Energy Efficiency – the need of the hour

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Energy is scarce and hence expensive. In order to live a comfortable and secure life, you do need to reduce costs in all possible ways and survive in the limited income which you could be earning. One of the key measures to reduce costs is to make the efficient use of energy across all levels.

By mere installation of energy saving appliances, one does not guarantee energy efficiency; it is the conscious efforts of the people using them who can bring about the change. For instance installing energy saving lights is a good decision, but ensuring they are switched off when not in use is right way in making just use of energy. Make sure that people who use them are constantly reminded and develop habits of switching of lights and other appliances when not in use. By switching over to energy efficient lights and switching them off when not in use, you can save more than 50% of energy.

Similarly, a personal computer and monitor left on for 24 hours could amount to ?50 a year which is definitely expensive, instead by adapting to stand by mode save almost ?15 or using laptops which consume just 10% of the energy consumed by your desktop computer.

Boilers are likely to account for 60% of your annual energy spend, so it is time you invest in an efficient boiler. Though the initial costs of a new boiler and its installation are slightly expensive, you are going to enjoy its benefits in the long run by paying for lower energy bills. Do make it a point to seek an expert advice on which boiler suits your requirement the most. You could always approach your energy supplier in UK to provide you with the suitable assistance in the same. Currently, it is advisable to go for A-rated boilers for they are certified to be highly efficient.

Do check out for heat loss which could be the reason you may not feel warm despite having the heating system in place and working in perfect order. For this you have to undertake cavity wall insulation, floor insulation, loft insulation, windows glazing, draught proofing and other measures. The installation of these measures depends upon the type and size of property you own. For best and suitable advice in this area, you could seek advice and guidance from your energy provider who will send in an expert to inspect your property and offer advice on the same. You could also check out energy saving grants and related offers which are provided to encourage you to proceed with these measures in order to prevent heat loss and reduce your carbon footprint to a great extent.

It is a fact that energy prices in UK are set to soar as time passes by. But you can brace yourself to face this price rise in a better way by becoming energy efficient through conscious efforts which show their true benefits and advantages in the long run.

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