3 Ways to Recycle Your Office Waste Correctly

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Many of us currently recycle within our own homes due to council run incentives and our own social conscience, but how many of you actively recycle your waste at work?

The problem with recycling in your office is that there are usually not the facilities available to simply place your waste into the right receptacle. This means that to save time more and more office workers just place their waste in everyday waste bins that simply go to landfill sites, take years to degrade and during that time create high levels of CO2 which is very harmful to the environment and the ozone layer.

So how do you effectively recycle in your office? Here are our 3 top tips to office recycling heaven.

1) Get the right equipment

You must have the right equipment in your office in order to recycle efficiently. Do not be alarmed, we are not suggesting a large financial outlay at all. You can invest in some inexpensive recycling bins that not only help speed up the process but also look great in your office space.

Modern recycling bins come in various sizes to fit any space, you can choose from dump bins, desktop tidies and multiple item bins. The best bins to buy are the ones made from recycled fibre as these can even be branded simply with your company brand or logo.

Having the right equipment will ensure that employees will recycle effectively.

2) Re-use waste products

There are many things within an office that are thrown out as waste but can be re-used again. A couple of examples of this would be old ink cartridges and paper.

Ink cartridges can be re-filled ready to be used again and again, this not only saves the environment but it will also save you money. Alternatively you could make sure that you buy recycled ink cartridges for your printer.

Paper that has been incorrectly printed on is normally just thrown into the waste paper bin. These types of paper are ideal for making notes whilst on the telephone, or why not use the other side to print off draft documents. Once that piece of paper has been thoroughly used, be sure to recycle it correctly in one of your new bins.

3) Send emails not paper memos

Many businesses still print out memos and to send around the office, in the modern age we live in there really is no need to do this. You can simply email your memo to team members to keep them informed and with so many office workers now having desktops, laptops and smart phones there is also no need for them to print these memos off.

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