Electronic Messaging Made Easy

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OMG did U know that around 2.5 billion text messages are sent each day in the USA? FYI in 2008, the average wireless user sent or received 357 text messages every month, making texting more popular than the telephone. Text messaging has become so EZ that there has been 107% increase in text messaging in the past year.

R U out of the lingo loop? U just might be.

If you are constantly typing emails or texting with family and friends; and if you are you looking for a quicker way to communicate, then we have good news for you. Here is comprehensive list of the L8EST and G8EST online lingo. Millions of others use these terms. Y arent U? Happy messaging!

Most Commonly Used
2 is To
4 is For
@ is At
AB is About
B4 is Before
BC is Because
Btwn is Between
BTW is By The Way
FYI is For Your Information
IDK is I Don?t Know
JIC is Just In Case
JK is Just Kidding
JW is Just Wondering
K is Okay
L8R is Later
LOL is Laugh Out Loud
NBD is No Big Deal
NVM is Never Mind
NP is No Problem
RU is Are You
THX is Thanks!
TMI is Too Much Information
TAFN is That Is All For Now
TTYL is Talk To You Later
UR is Your
W is With
WNT is Want
Y is Why
YW is You are Welcome

Romantic Relationships
B/F is Boyfriend
G/F is Girlfriend
ILY is I Love You
ILU is I Love You
LUV is Love
LYL is Love You Lots
QT is Quality Time
SO is Significant Other
SY is Sincerely Yours

Smileys, or Emoticons (emotional icons)
:) is Smiley Face
;) is Winking Smiley Face
<3 is Heart
:p is Sticking Your Tongue Out Face

Teen Talk
BFN is Bye For Now
C is See
CY is See You
DEGT is Do Not Even Go There
Dunno is I Do Not Know
EZ is Easy
G8 is Great
GA is Go Ahead
GAL is Get A Life
GGOH is Gotta Get Outta Here
HAGO is Have A Good One
FITB is Fill In The Blanks
KDZ is Kids
LYLAS is Love You Like A Sister
NE1 is Anyone
OMG is Oh My Gosh
OTH is Off The Hook
OTW is On The Way
P911 is Parents are in the room
PIR is Parent In Room
PANS is Pretty Awesome New Stuff
PCM is Please Call Me
Peeps is Friends
PLZ is Please
POS is Parent Over Shoulder
PPL is People
QT is Cutie
Rents is Parents
ROTFL is Rolling On The Floor Laughing
RSN is Real Soon Now
SH is Same Here
SNF is So Not Fair
U is You
W8T is Wait
WC is Welcome
W/E is Whatever
YR is Yea Right

Between Friends
BFF is Best Friends Forever
BFFL is Best Friends For Life
BTA is But Then Again
FWIW is For What It is Worth
H&K is Hugs and Kisses
HAGD is Have A Good Day
GMTA is Great Minds Think Alike
LMBO is Laughing My Butt Off
LTNS is Long Time No See
NRN is Not Right Now
RUF2T is Are You Free To Talk?
SPST is Same Place, Same Time
SYL is See You Later
TGIF is Thank Goodness It Is Friday
TNT is Til Next Time
TRDMF is Tears Running Down My Face
TTFN is Ta-Ta For Now
TTTT is These Things Take Time
TYT is Take Your Time
TYVM is Thank You Very Much
WFM is Works For Me
WTG is Way To Go
YVW is You Are Very Welcome

Online and Chatroom
AFK is Away from Keyboard
a/s/l is Age/Sex/Location
AYT is Are You There
BBL is Be Back Later
BBS is Be Back Soon
BRB is Be Right Back
DL is Downloading
F2F is Face to Face
FB is Facebook
GR is Gotta Run
IM is Instant Message
IRL is In Real Life
JAS is Just A Second
SMS is Short Message Service
SN is Screen Name
TM is Text Message

In the Workplace
AOTA is All Of The Above
AFAIK is As Far As I Know
ASAP is As Soon As Possible
COD is Cash On Delivery
EDD is Executive Decision Document
EMA is E-mail Address
EOT is End Of Thread (discussion)
FAQ is Frequently Asked Questions
HTH is Hope That Helps
NRN is No Response Necessary
RFC is Request For Comments
ROI is Return On Investment
SOTA is State Of The Art
STW is Search The Web
TIA is Thanks In Advance

Just for fun
AAK is Alive and Kicking
AAR is At Any Rate
AAS is Alive and Smiling
AISI is As I see It
AND is Any Day Now
BR is Best Regards
HB is Hurry Back
IAC is In Any Case
IC is I See
IDTS is I Don?t Think So
IMO is In My Opinion
IOW is In Other Words
IYO is In Your Opinion
JMO is Just My Opinion
KIT is Keep In Touch
NT is No Thanks
OBTW is Oh, By The Way
OIC is Oh, I See
OTOH is On The Other Hand
TC is Take Care
YW is You Are Welcome


Dr. Susanne Gaddis, PhD, CSP, The Communications Doctor, is an internationally known interpersonal communications expert who delivers workshops, keynote presentations and executive coaching. For additional article on ways to improve your communication or to order her Audio Program visit: http://www.CommunicationsDoctor.com . To book Dr. Gaddis for an upcoming conference or event call 919-933-3237.

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