Effectively Settle Those IRS Tax Problems With Help From Jay Allen Finn

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Debt is one of those things that most people stress over. If you owe money then getting that money paid back is very important. If you owe money to the IRS then you may experience even more stress. This is in part due to the way that IRS tax problems are handled. The IRS will simply not stop harassing you until you have paid your tax debt in full. They will continue to send out threatening letters, call you constantly and even begin taking your wages and bank accounts until you have them paid. If you have problems with the IRS these problems are not going away until you get that debt paid.

Luckily there is help available. Jay Allen Finn, CPA is a former IRS agent and can help you to handle the IRS, stop the harassment and get your delinquent taxes or other tax debt paid in full. He works for taxpayers and takes on the IRS on a daily basis. Mr. Finn can help you to solve your IRS problems by helping you to complete your delinquent tax returns, get a reduction on your penalties, stop garnishments, bank levies and property seizures and even protect your future income tax refunds. If you are dealing with the IRS it simply makes no sense to go it alone when you have help available.

The IRS stops at nothing to collect debts. If you owe them money they could hit you with a wage garnishment. This is where they take a portion of your paycheck every payday until your tax debt is paid off. If you owe them a substantial amount of money, you could lose up to 70 percent of your paycheck for years until you get the debt settled. In today's economy, families need all the money that they can get simply to survive. Losing a substantial portion of your paycheck every week could put you in a financial crisis.

Allow Jay Allen Finn to help you out of your IRS problems. Mr. Finn will see if you qualify for an offer in compromise which could allow you to settle your debt for just pennies on the dollar. He will work with the IRS for you to come to an agreement that makes everyone happy. However, he cannot help you unless you contact him. If you are tired of dealing with the IRS alone, allow Mr. Finn to help you.

At DoggedbyIRS.com, we can assist you with all types of IRS issues including: bank levy, offers in compromise, delinquent taxes, a wage levy and more. While the IRS has unlimited resources, we at DoggedbyIRS.com offer plenty of experience and the resources to help you dispute your tax issues. Contact us today for a consultation.

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