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Articles, tagged with "offer in compromise", page 1

28th September 2011

The Distinctions involving Enrolled Agents and Certified Public Accountants

Certified Public Accountants along with Enrolled Agents are generally authorized to prepare income taxes plus defend their customers in front of the IRS. Certainly, there are a few significant differences, nevertheless. Though Enrolled Agents primarily co...

23rd September 2011

How to Apply for a Tax Settlement

Applying for a tax settlement is not something that many people are familiar with. In fact, you may be downright confused on how you can settle your debt. Although there are many ways to apply for tax settlement, some just don’t know where to get started....

25th May 2011

How to Pay out Back again Taxes Owed to the IRS

Do you finally want to obvious IRS anxiousness? Are you prepared to get started on the road to a credit card debt free of charge existence. Negotiating with the IRS is very challenging if you owe Back Taxes. But ignoring your IRS tax credit card debt is t...

24th May 2011

A Tax Preparing Support Can Resolve IRS Debt Settlement Problems

Taxpayers who owe back taxes ought to immediately evaluate the complete quantity because of, as nicely as the curiosity and penalties that have accrued. At this point, the program of action should be made a decision after consulting with a qualified speci...

04th May 2011

Tax Problems Need Experts To Find A Solution

For most of us, paying our taxes in full and on time is done automatically. However, there are those who get themselves into some serious trouble by not fulfilling what the taxman wants, when he wants it. For these people, litigation is bound to follow ...

20th April 2011

Is There a Statute of Limitations on Tax Credit card debt?

At times, individuals get into thinking if there will ever before come a time when soon after a long time of gathering tax debts from you, the IRS can no longer impose any of its assortment strategies. They inquire of there is a statute of limitations on ...

20th April 2011

Tax Relief Best ten Approaches to Lessen Back Taxes and IRS Credit card debt

Do you uncover dealing with the IRS annoying? Intimidating? Time-consuming? How about all of the over? You're not alone.Even though taxpayers might usually signify themselves in front of the IRS, a lot of turn to skilled tax assist (specialized tax attorn...

06th April 2011

Back Taxes Help: What Is an Offer in Compromise and What Does It Mean for My Tax Debt?

Back taxes can be a huge weight over your head. However, there are ways to get back tax relief, including an offer in compromise. Here we explore what an offer in compromise is and how it can help with your state or IRS back taxes. Do you owe back taxes?...

21st February 2011

Tax Investigation Corporation Launches New Website.

Los Angeles, CA – Tax IC is taking the lead in providing tax relief services via cutting edge business solutions for tax attorneys, Enrolled Agents, CPA’s and tax preparation professionals, in addition to tax relief and IRS debt resolution services for th...

11th February 2011

tax levy

The tax levy is the final and harshest collection mechanism of the IRS. The reason why it is so harsh is so it will scare people into paying their taxes before a levy goes into effect. The IRS will send out a final notice of intent to levy 30 days before ...

13th January 2011


In 2009, the IRS accepted only 11,000 “Offers In Compromise”. That’s less than 1% of the 15 million delinquent taxpayers. So why were these 2009 acceptance rates by the IRS so low on submitted Offers? And why should you be very careful in selecting...

13th January 2011

Reasons A Tax Payer Should Be Cognizant Of The Offer In Compromise

In case you or somebody you are acquainted with owes money to the IRS, then you might know about offer in compromise. An offer in compromise is actually a contract between the IRS and tax payer, which settles a tax payers' financial debt for a sum less th...

09th January 2011

Stop Running Away from the Tax Collectors

Tax collection has been around for the longest time, dating back to Biblical times. Whether it was Zacchaeus or Levi, tax collectors were often frowned upon. Today, tax collection is done by the Internal Revenue Service or the IRS. They are the government...

29th December 2010

What is IRS Debt Settlement and How it Works

Understanding tax debt settlement is essential if you owe money to the IRS. With a tax settlement, you are able to pay settle your liability for less than what you owe. The IRS offers several methods for taxpayers who are interested in settling their bala...

01st December 2010

Effectively Settle Those IRS Tax Problems With Help From Jay Allen Finn

Debt is one of those things that most people stress over. If you owe money then getting that money paid back is very important. If you owe money to the IRS then you may experience even more stress. This is in part due to the way that IRS tax problems are ...

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