Earth Anthropological Survey, Translation 2:– Economic Subjugation.

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This is the second in my series of "Arcturian" translations.

I recently published a brief incidental report on the difficulties I've had with the translation and how all this came about, entitled "Visitors to Earth - Arcturian Translation and Phantom Blog Update" This forms the first in a planned series of reports and commentaries that will run alongside my ongoing translations. Unfortunately, due to an error on my part, the first commentary was never published on Buzzle but it can be viewed at my "Arcturion" blog. Hopefully I'll not repeat the mistake and all subsequent commentaries will appear on Buzzle prior to broader publication.

Here follows a translation as best I could manage of the next brief series of transmissions from an orbiting Arcturian survey ship to its "Mission Ops" on Arcturus IX and the replies received thereto.

Transmission (from Earth Survey vessel to Mission Operations, Confederation City, Arcturus IX):
To answer your first question: Who creates Money on this Planet? The business of money creation, issuance and circulation is naturally a simple and straightforward one so the confusion that came to light when we attempted to survey procedures on Earth, took us by surprise. Incredibly, the inhabitants of Earth have managed to make a relatively simple matter exceedingly complicated.

Correction: a small vested-interest group of inhabitants have managed to make the matter appear complex to the rest of the inhabitants. This complexity is so thorough that we can find nobody who truly comprehends all the twists and turns of the planet's "money system" although there are legions of those who pretend to understand it and everybody assumes there is somebody somewhere who does. Our inescapable conclusion is that the complication is deliberate - a successful effort by indigenous criminal groups to conceal from the majority a sly and ingenious procedure for appropriating the planet's wealth.

We conclude, in short, that money creation became at some point in the past the exclusive privilege of private-profit money lenders.

Received (by Earth Survey vessel from Mission Ops, Arcturus IX):
But this is folly! It violates the Natural Laws of Governance!

Earthians are unaware of the Natural Laws of Governance. Knowledge of large scale group organization and the natural laws pertaining thereto are unknown here.

No wonder they are having a hard time organizing themselves.

The presence of fairly sophisticated material technology creates an impression of civilization. Yet close inspection of what lies behind the material glitter has revealed virtual anarchy and unenlightened savagery, a barbarism with shiny gadgets. Social and organizational development lag far behind scientific prowess. Should the Homeworld decide to open overt communications with Earth at this juncture, it is our contention that it will be obliged to enter an association with a fickle and unstable farrago of mismanagement.

That much is becoming evident. But please do not stray from the matter of immediate concern: the aberrant Earthian money system. Per the aforementioned Laws, if he who creates money is allowed to spend or lend what he creates, he will achieve thereby absolute mastery over all beings and entitites within the economy for which the money he creates is legal tender.

This is precisely what has occurred here on Earth. Dominion is in the hands of the money lenders.

We had assumed Earth must have an Emperor. Earlier, cursory studies of the conduct of large groups of humans all point to their subjugation by a single senior, somewhat psychotic, power echelon. Are you yet able to confirm or disprove the existence of an Earth Emperor?

No. The Earth Emperor has not yet been identified, although we agree social, political and herd phenomena all point to the existence of such an overlord, albeit one who is insane. If an overlord does exist, he is concealed.

We continue to investigate and hypothesize a single supreme money lender or an oligarchy of some higher council of money lenders. There remains however the possibility, far from eliminated, that supreme overlord-ship resides in the hands of an extra-terrestrial entity. Many phenomena suggest that humanity is under attack and has been for some time.

Historically, an internal softening up operation has often been the strategy of planetary invaders, with corruption of a planet's means of exchange one of the instruments through which to achieve administrative disintegration and economic debilitation. The Ministry of Vigilance is aware of at least three predatory races operating in this Quadrant, although none were known this far out along the Galactic Arm. It is equally feasible that the attack is internal. There are historical precedents for a situation in which members of an intelligent race become insane and begin to work for their own imagined advantage to the detriment of the race as a whole.

Your survey is opening up several interesting lines of investigation.

To adequately explore all possible lines of study will require more personnel than we have available.

Noted. Prepare a resources assessment and formal request for personnel and wherewithal. The anomalous culture of Earth is attracting interest and your request will be viewed favorably.

In the meantime, focus upon the single line of enquiry at hand: the economic constraints to which Earth civilization is subjected. We accept your observation that money creation is in the hands of a criminal elite of money lenders and not government, incredible as this sounds. That error would automatically elevate the money lenders to supremacy over all beings, including the group of beings responsible for the provision of government. How is this done?

Please stand by for our report.

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