Divorce - Become A Divorce Attorney Secretary With 3 Simple Tips

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If you are looking to make that quick buck really quick and if you want to learn more about a trade, then being a secretary to a divorce attorney is your best choice for a career. Divorce attorneys are quite popular since the time divorce laws were formulated and it is gaining more popularity with the current divorce trend all over the world. With this rising popularity, the need for a divorce attorney secretary has also risen. At this time of a day, you can lay your bottom dollar and bet that to become a divorce attorney secretary is your very best choice.

Here, you will find three personality traits that are very important for a divorce attorney's secretary and three tips that you will have to remember to carve a niche for yourself and make yourself indispensible.

Tip 1

Let's start with the exteriors shall we? To become a divorce attorney secretary or even to be hired, you will have to look like one. Remember the series Ally McBeal? You sure would remember those flashily dressed, most skin showing clothing that the secretaries wore. Problem is, ally McBeal is a television series and not true life. As a secretary of a divorce attorney, you will be expected to meet clients and create briefs. You will also have to accompany your attorney for court sessions. So it is imperative that you dress formally and neatly. Your behavior has to be close to impeccable and chewing gum and popping it is a definite no-no!

Tip 2

As for your inner personality, you, as a secretary of a divorce attorney, are representing the firm and most importantly your attorney. You will have to dress smart and always be smart. You will have to start thinking on your toes and always be on the go. No one said that this job was easy. It sure will be hard to face clients and meet everyone's expectations. You would also have to learn when to keep your mouth shut and when to speak. Don't make the mistake of being over friendly with the other secretaries on your "girls' night". Remember that this is a killer game and each of you is competing to get in as an intern or a permanent secretary. Make certain that you do not give out information that could be sensitive about you, your attorney or any of your cases. Discretion is definitely a personality trait that you have to nurture.

Tip 3

Some law firms look for a secretary who has completed a paralegal course at least so that it would become easier for the attorney to have his briefs and his other documentation ready as and when required. On the other hand most law firms do not follow this as a hard and fast rule and even with no experience you can be hired and would be expected to report to a head-secretary. You will be given on the job training and the training tenure is when you will be watched closely. Make certain that you do not commit a single mistake in this period. Be in at work earlier that everyone else and start learning or do some work that could help with the latter part of the day. And never be the first one to leave work. Finish as much as work as possible in one single day and make it a point to leave after everyone else has.

Remember, you can easily become a divorce attorney secretary if you dress and speak smart, learnt to know when to speak and most importantly work hard and out-wit others.Jane Cooper writes for Austin divorce attorneys who center their practice on Austin divorce.

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