Robert Bell's Articles en-us Arts and Entertainment in Aurora, CO Aurora, the third largest city in the state and a suburban hub located just outside of Denver, is home to some of Colorado's finest and most extensive arts and entertainment programs. Visitors to the city of Denver will find Aurora, located within the mun... 05th May 2010 How IRS Verifications Prevent Fraud Among the many problems that contributed to the housing market implosion of 2007-2010 was that of unsubstantiated income claims on mortgage applications. In addition to the other variables, this misreporting (sometimes innocent, sometimes fraudulent by de... 05th May 2010 Grilled Hamburger Recipe High quality hamburger patties are completely prepared from ground beef and seasonings. This type of patty can be referred to an "all beef hamburger" or "all beef patties" to distinguish them from inexpensive hamburgers made with added flour, textu... 04th May 2010 Spicy Grilled Shrimp Recipe There are many herbs and spices that may be used to create a variety of flavours in grilled shrimp. These grilled shrimp recipes are easy, but will be filled with impressive flavour. A few hours in a spicy marinade and the shrimp will be ready to be g... 04th May 2010 How to Avoid Paying Unnecessary Taxes on CDs and Bonds CDs and bonds are generally seen as some of the most secure types of investments. Certificates of Deposits (CDs) are offered by banking institutions. They offer a set rate of return for an investment over a specific period of time. One of the disadvantage... 13th April 2010 Common Tax Problems a Tax Attorney Can Help You With A famous expression says that there are only two things you can be certain of in life: death and taxes. For most people, keeping up with the latter can be a real challenge. Not all individuals are thoroughly familiar with the various tax provisions and gu... 13th April 2010 Preparing a Beautiful Mother's Day Table Whether you celebrate Mother's Day with a full-course meal or a simple brunch, nothing says how special a meal is like a beautifully prepared table. After all, the table is the stage for whatever scrumptious meal or decadent dessert you have planned for M... 22nd March 2010 How Scissors Make the Cut Whether you're a professional hairstylist or just prefer to cut your family's hair yourself, your most important tool is the right pair of scissors. But what makes for the right pair of haircutting shears? How do scissors make the cut? A good pair of s... 22nd March 2010 5 Fun Science Toys for Tots It's amazing how from a very young age some children seem to have a natural interest in certain objects or subjects. Honing in on these interests is a great way, not only to connect with your kids, but also to help them learn. Play time is probably one of... 22nd March 2010 Events Where You Could Use a Fun Photo Booth Photo booths, once viewed primarily as a vacation-time novelty, are experiencing a resurgence in popularity lately. But photo booths are no longer relegated to boardwalks and arcades; instead, they're becoming an increasingly prominent fixture at social e... 15th March 2010 The Benefits of Fiber Communications In recent years, the "digital revolution" and the incredible advances in computing power and communications bandwidth have spurred a slow but steady refurbishing of the world's communications backbones (if you prefer, infrastructures). Among the most impr... 15th March 2010 Why Are Fad Diets Harmful Fad diets have become a popular trend in recent years. They are known to draw you in with their promises of certain success and a fine new figure. However, fad diets are not all they are cracked up to be. These diets can actually be very harmful to your o... 15th January 2010 points for Women for looking good There are different ways to make your figure appear the way that one wants. It is all in the manner that one carries herself. Be sure of dressing. It will make you appear similar to the lady you want to be. First rule: Buy correct size innerwear. A n... 23rd December 2009 Getting the Kids to Listen: Danny the Dragon Author Offers Some Tips It's time for dinner and you've called to your children three times so far to turn off the TV and come to the table to eat. You start using threats of coming into the living room yourself to turn off the television, to ban TV for the rest of the night, or... 18th December 2009 How Households Can Make Good Use of Online Faxing There are a lot of companies and articles touting the benefits of online faxing, but they seem to focus just on corporate users. Occasionally there will be an article or fax service come-on that cites the benefits for home offices, but the fact is that th... 18th December 2009 VoIP Service - Three Ways it Can Help Cut Costs in This Recession The current economic slowdown is compelling many businesses to cut corners and save on expenses. The VoIP phone system is gaining popularity as it reduces telephony costs in an organization, while offering features similar to traditional phone systems. Ma... 14th December 2009 VoIP Phone Service - How Do They Benefit Small Businesses? Small businesses do not have the same options as large concerns in adopting new technologies and tools. They are restricted by low funds and resources. VoIP telephone systems are a sensible choice for small businesses as they reduce costs and offer many o... 08th December 2009 Acne Treatments INSTANT ACNE REMEDY ------------------------- MAKE ACNE HEAL ACNE 101 Pimples, blemishes, spots, and zits are the most common acne injuries. Some individuals will continue to suffer from acne well into their thirties, forties and beyond. The dur... 08th December 2009 How to Find a Good Event Planner Throwing a party can be a tiring job. Of course, you want it to be exciting and bubbly. You want to impart a wonderful experience to your guests. However, if there is something that you can do to lighten things up, you would probably grab the chance. ... 07th December 2009 How You Can Measure Your Head Size For That Perfect Wig Most people would prefer that their wigs fit their head perfectly. There are a few things you can do to make sure that you are measuring your head correctly and that you get a wig that fits well. And since you are going to be putting a wig on your head t... 27th November 2009 The Effects of Divorce on Children There is a great deal of personal, anecdotal evidence about the effects of divorce. Still, research by both psychologists and sociologists has provided many important insights into the short- and long-term problems that children face when marriages, and f... 25th November 2009 Basic Principles of Solar Energy The growing needs of energy of our modern lifestyle combined with the depletion of most of the conventional source of energy on this planet have let us to face an unprecedented energy crisis. In order to sustain our life style we need to keep on inventing... 24th November 2009 Divorce– Become The Best Divorce Attorney By Choosing The Best Law School With Three Easy Tips Now that you have successfully completed your under-grad course it is time to decide what it is that you wish to pursue for your career. If you have decided that Divorce Law would be the right field for you then that should suffice because as an addition ... 24th November 2009 Divorce - Become A Divorce Attorney Secretary With 3 Simple Tips If you are looking to make that quick buck really quick and if you want to learn more about a trade, then being a secretary to a divorce attorney is your best choice for a career. Divorce attorneys are quite popular since the time divorce laws were formul... 24th November 2009 Filing an IRS Tax Extension Each year approximately 140 million Americans undertake the annual ritual of filing their tax returns. According to Bank Rate Monitor, nearly 10 million people request an extension from the IRS each year. Individuals can request up to and additional six m... 23rd November 2009 UFO Sighting by U.S. Congressman and Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich in 1982 in the Democratic Presidential debate in October of 2007 in Philadelphia, Tim Russert of NBC News asked Kucinich if he saw a UFO. "This is a serious question," Russert stated to assure him of his intentions. The Chicago Tribune quotes the candid... 23rd November 2009 Former National Security Advisor Wants the U.S. Air Force to Defend the Iranian Nuclear Weapons Prog Zbigniew Brzezinski, the disgraced National Security Advisor under Jimmy Carter, showed once again just how far out of touch with reality the American left is.In an interview with The Beast, Brzezinski discussed the possibility of a pre-emptive strike by ... 25th September 2009 The search about information for Moms and Dads ends here By moms is a website which provides easy and practical solutions to all your problems. At By Moms we provide you information about relationships, family fun, work from home opportunities, health, parenting, pregnancy, personal finance and a lot more.Many ... 12th May 2009