Disadvantages Of Satellite TV Providers In The US

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Satellite TV providers have gripped the nation of America with its programming packages and offers. For long, satellite TV providers are in the run and continue to lure subscribers with its promotions. They do everything to lead the race in the market and to capture the huge market share, but this would finally lead into malpractices and corruption, was not expected of them.

It is but obvious that customers would opt for a subscriber that offers the best value for money. Therefore, millions of people in America chose Directv for their best home entertainment purposes over the years, which ultimate made the provider to be the most sought after in the nation. However, people were little aware of the fact that are attracted to something for which they might have to pay hugely later on. They continued to subscribe to its packages, and on the other hand, the provider continued to cheat on them through its hidden fee, charges, and dubious sales pitch and marketing strategies.

Today, if you type in the word DirecTV and Google it, you will find more grievances against it then praises. This is shocking to find a huge number of subscribers have posted their complaints on the web to create awareness. This simply states that subscribers have highly suffered at its hands and have by every means exposed its malpractices. Whether it is billing issues, early termination fee, faulty equipment or futile promises, consumers have brought every deceptive measure adopted by the company in the open.

How do they are doing it? Well, the satellite TV giant DirecTV is charging for channels that it is not providing, it is falsely charging credits to cards for certain offers, goofing up things regarding leasing and purchasing equipment, it is promising local channels and then not delivering, and resorting to every other deceptive means to retain its customers.

This is not all, when subscribers are threatening to switch the provider, the company is offering huge discounts and instantly crediting points into a customer’s account so that he doesn’t discontinue the services. Moreover, the provider is clarifying that the company would heftily charge termination fee in case the subscriber discontinued before the end of the contract.

Another glaring example of unethical business practice followed by DirecTV includes falsely inflating the subscriber base. How? The company is asking its dealers to pay on behalf and keep the accounts of subscribers alive when they have actually switched boats to some other satellite TV provider. This would attract a huge number of advertisers who would premium rates seeing the large subscriber base, in a hope to reach wider viewers.

In fact, consumers were also stunned to know that their records with DirecTV were kept alive by the provider to achieve better rankings in the Wall Street. All these scams followed by DirecTV have proved that perhaps satellite TV providers have done more harm than good to its esteemed clients. And people are losing faith in these big brands like DirecTV gradually.

Sophia Johnson is an eminent writer of social media and also a DirecTV customer for last two years. But recently she faces some problems while renewing her package plans, and being a writer she feels it’s her social duty to let her countrymen know about this malpractice of DirecTV. To know more about it visits my Facebook page.

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