Crimes in Pakistan: Mind control torture by perpetrators and Pakistan Police

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I am making separate page on this topic after the completion of three years of persecution. It is the longest open harassment faced by any person on earth. I am very unfortunate that I found such people during my career. It looks that we are kidnapped or hijacked and getting no help. Such a serious crimes are taking place with impunity. I have made this page on the issues of torture, persecution, harassment, corruption and human rights violation in Pakistan with special reference of crimes which our family has faced in Tajpura Scheme, Lahore, Pakistan. After extensive investigation I learnt that it is either a ploy of these people in order to hide their own crimes and corruption by distracting people's attention or an effort to take some sort of unfair benefits or bribe from us or from people concerned with us. I request concerned authorities and general humanity to let me relieve me from this tyranny. Relieving innocent people from coercion is better than praying to God, fasting and religious pilgrimage (Hajj).

Due to this mind control crimes in Pakistan, mind controllers are forcing us for third internal displacement. Previously I left places due to this harassment but level of harassment was comparatively less. In the year 1999, I left Tarbela Dam due to mind controllers created fear. I left my job too. In the year 2000 I left my home in model Town due to voice harassment. But this time mind controllers harassment and torture crossed every limit. My career is destroyed because of this persecution. No one can tolerate such a torture. Our family request Pakistani government to provide us free accommodation at any safe place. Our family request UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and Canadian government to provide us asylum under "The Joint Assistance Sponsorship (JAS)" of Canadian government. There are many international funds for families facing torture but none of them reached to us. Here I want describe apathy of UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) which did not respond hundreds of my emails sent to all its centers in Pakistan and worldwide. Only Canadian High Commission in Pakistan sent a detailed reply by giving me advise to contact UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Very honestly I question benefit of the creation of Pakistan when we did not get our most basic rights here. Even Indian government keeps Muslims in better conditions. Glory of Muslim Indian film actors and politicians is clear example. In such circumstances, partition of India of year 1947 might have been annulled. I am writing this because I failed to get my fundamental rights despite doing all humanely possible efforts.
Today tormentors aroused me from sleep well before Morning Prayer. Mind controllers often arouse us at this time of Morning Prayer in the morning. It is very early time in the morning. First I thought them Islamists like Taliban but many of them are not Islamic at all. They arouse our family from sleep by nightmares and pain in the chest and head. Whenever I get up from sleep our small children also gets up due to these hidden devices. It means that area of influence of these devices also reach where these children sleep. These mind controllers never took pity on our family. Despite my hundreds of complaints, Lahore police never took any measures to provide us protection against these criminals. There is jungles law in Tajpura Scheme Lahore Pakistan. They are so cruel that I doubt that they are involved in many acts of terrorisms. Permanent nigh inspection of this area by neutral observers is necessary. They have habit of speaking truth at night. They detect strangers and people and stop speaking whenever they feel danger. I can not report these crimes quickly due to my increasing financial problems. Electricity load shedding and internet disconnections are also a hurdle. They are afraid of my presence over internet. You cannot imagine how painful is it to get up at night and write an article.
These criminals in Tajpura Scheme are cowardly people who are doing this extra-judicial persecution. They have developed their private courts and jails. They are extremely cruel people who cannot be convinced. They do not feel pity. These are the symptoms which prove them predators. They never dare to come in front of me. If they expose themselves, I will make cases against them for conducting this illegal persecution.
I believe that commitment exists at the highest level. However better enforcement and implementation is needed. On June 11, 2009 I received letter of the Chief Minster Secretariat Punjab. This letter having subject "Reedressal of Grievances" is sent to The Capital City Police Officer, Lahore. In this letter No: DIR (CC) /OLN/09/CMS-27160 dated June 8, 2009 Chief Minister Letter stated "The Chief Minister has been pleased to desire to look into the matter and take necessary action as per law".
Do you know mind controllers know all your secrets? These mind controllers are virtually present in your bedrooms and bathrooms. Type "mind control victims", "mind control torture" "brain wash" and "brain washing" with quotes on Google or any other major search engine. They are using hidden torture devices and energy weapons. They use radio transmitters, electromagnetic and microwave radiations. By using remote mind control devices they read and control brains. They can even kill people by using this most dangerous technology. Deaths and medical illnesses are reported by victims or victim relatives. They are present everywhere in Lahore especially in Tajpura Scheme Lahore. We are facing dangerous voice tormentors/brain washers and mind controllers in our vicinity. They make people in Pakistan slaves or puppets by using their mind control powers and persecution. There are few symptoms of mind control crimes in Pakistan. Mind controllers can wake up from sleep.
We are among few families on earth who are facing such type of torture. Mind controllers often arouse us early in the morning at the time of Morning Prayer. In my view unscrupulous, cruel, dishonest exploits are worst people on earth. Neutral permanent observers are urgently needed in this area especially at night timings. Pakistani and international organizations are amazed that why Pakistan Police or Punjab Police do not arrest these local boys and a gangs. I request people of Pakistan to boycott such criminals and do not conduct any deal in Tajpura Scheme, Lahore as long as this situation persists. It looks that there is jungle's law in Lahore since Pakistan Police or Punjab Police has not taken any action against them despite my numerous complaints. Obviously Police ignored my requests since nothing can happen without the tacit approval of Pakistan Police or Punjab Police. No one can dare to humiliate Police officers not even to low level Police employees of Pakistan Police or Punjab Police.
Sudden blast sound or any other loud and startling noise can stop them from using mind reading devices since such sounds can damage mind controllers ears. Mind controllers hear voices inside people's brain.

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