Contaminated Water, a Worldwide Crisis, and what can be done

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Contaminated Drinking Water, a Worldwide Crisis, and what can be done
By Shakna Biddle

Many facts unknown to most consumers concerning their Drinking Water include the fact that Lead piping used in most Municipal Tap Water systems , hasn"t been changed in many decades. Infact in Washington DC the piping for the Municipal Drinking Water System was laid during the Civil War, and hasn"t been changed since.

After a Nationwide review of Municipal Water Systems Nationwide, Researchers have discovered there are some 35,000 Pesticides affecting our Water, with some 600 Chemical Compounds, with Municipal Water Systems only required to test for 6. With many of these chemicals known to cause Birth Defects , Nerve Damage, Sterility, and Cancer.

According to the recent General Accounting Office Report, only 20% of the Nations 65,000 Community Water Systems are able to meet the minimum standards set by the "Safe Drinking Water Act".

Agricultural runoffs account for a portion of this contamination, as most Dairy, and Chicken Farms are located near Waterways, and are not even required to have a proper sewage system.

Chlorine (Bleach) utilized for Water Purification is a known Carcinogen, as well as Sodium Floride, which is an ingredient in Rat Poison.

Currently our Drinking Water comes from two main sources of Untreated Water. Half comes from Lakes, Rivers, Streams, and other surface Water sources. The other half is Groundwater , or Reserves of Water hidden beneath the Earth in areas known as Aquifers.

The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) was originally passed by Congress in 1974, affecting some 160,000 Public Water Systems providing drinking water to most Americans.

Yet by far the biggest threat to the saftey of our Drinking Water is chemical waste disposed in Landfills and Groundwater sources by the Nation"s leading Chemical Manufacturing Plants. Let us focus briefly on the oldest and the largest chemical manufacturer, Dupont.

Dupont was founded as a Gunpowder Mill in 1802. In 1902 they began to produce Dynamite. After purchasing several smaller Companies they were cited under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act for Monopoly violations.

Then in 1914 Pierre S. Dupont invested in the Auto Industry, buying stock in General Motors. In 1957, because of the Clayton Anti-Trust Act, Dupont had pioneered Synthetic Rubber, and Chemical pesticides like Phenothiazine.

During World War II Dupont became a major Defence Contractor, producing Plutonium for Nuclear Weapons. Dupont is believed to have been involved in the Manhattan Project in 1943, where in an effort to develop the Nations first Atomic Bomb, Seventh Day Adventists were exposed to high doses of Radiation.

In 1981, Dupont bought a major American Oil and Gas Company Consol. This aquisition made Dupont one of the top Ten US based Petroleum and Natural Gas Producers and Refiners. Seagrim Gin Distillery became a major Investor in Dupont, becoming the largest single Share holder, holding four seats on its Board of Directors.

Researchers at the Political Economy Research Institute of University of Massachussets Amhearst ranked Dupont as the largest Corporate Producer of Air and Water pollution in the US.

The Study found Dupont Chemical Pollutants affecting our Air and Water include Chloroprene (855,370 lb./yr., 387,989 Kg/yr). Sulfic Acid ( 804,501 lb/yr, 364,916 Kg/yr), and Chlorine ( 65,088 lb/yr, 29,523 Kg./yr) in its Toxic Release Inventory.

The most massive release came in the form of more than 4 Million pounds of Carbonyl Sulfide followed by 2 Million pounds of Hydrochloric Acid. Air Pollutants soon find their way into our Water.

Most dangerous among Water contaminants is Ammonium Perflourinate or C8 which Dupont Manufactures to produce Teflon products, which is banned by the Toxic Substances Control Act. And according to a recent EPA Report, higher than allowed levels of C8 was discovered in the Municipal Drinking Water Systems, particularly in the Southern US.

The EPA (Enviornmental Protection Agency) has listed under its Red Flag List three other potentially dangerous Chemicals effecting our Drinking Water, including Phthalates, Short Chain Chlorinated Parrafflins, Polybrominated Diphenylethers, and Ammonium Perflourinates, all of which are produced by Dupont.

Most of these "Red Flag" Regions identified by the EPA are where Dupont has major Factories, including Alabama, where C8 was discovered in Mobile Bay ( major Water Reservour) and West Virginia.

Infact Little Hock Water Association of West Virginia sued Dupont on behalf of its Residents, for releasing these chemicals into their Drinking Water, with the suit seeking unspecified Compensation for damages.

In addition the State of West Virginia Department of Enviornmental Protection fined Dupont over $1.6 Million in satisfying the States"s claim against the Company. Ten spills of C8 into the Ohio River were documented, from 2004 to 2008. With the largest spill discharging nearly 2,500 pounds of FEP, a liquid deriative of Teflon.

High levels of C8 has been linked to Liver Disease, High Blood Pressure, as well as various forms of Cancer. The Obama Administration has announced it will write new Rules to limit the use of C8 and related Perflourinated Chemicals, yet such Legislation has not been proposed until 2012.

Little Hock Water Association , proved that Dupont was releasing these dangerous chemicals into their drinking water, and on Feb. 28th 2005, settled in a Class Action Suit against dupont, requiring them to pay $235 Million in damages.

Like a similar case against chemical giant Monsanto in Anniston Alabama, in April 2001, where the company was found guilty of releasing PCB"s ( Polychlorinated Biphenyl"s) another banned Carcinogen into the Enviornment of a predominately Black Rural Community.

The Danger of Inefficient Cleanup, Worldwide

One of the best examples of why not to trust a polluter to cleanup its toxic wastes is a recent case in Bhopal India.

A Union Carbide Plant owned by Dow Chemical Company released a dangerous Pesticide into the soil and water of Bhopal India in 1984, that killed thousands and is still having a devestating impact on their Enviornment.

According to a recent Report entitled, "Analysis of Chemical Contaminants in Groundwater of Communities surrounding UCIC Plant Site in Bhopal." released Dec. 2nd 2007, by Britain based Bhopal Medical Appeal (BMA), the Union Carbide Plant, currently owned by Dow Chemical Company is allegedly, poisoning the people of Bhopal in Methyl Isocyanate gas leaks, into the Community soil and water aquifer.

A Settlement had been reached in a Class Action Lawsuit paying $470 Million in damages to the Indian Government, who then dropped Criminal charges against the Company.

According to several sources, the Indian Government is currently covering for Dow Chemical , declaring the area safe, while recieving lucrative contracts from Dow Chemical Co. and financing Medical Care of its sick residents.

However according to a Switz based accredited Laboratory findings, "many of the former Toxic pesticides are still present in Indian Water."

Two decades of Monsoons have washed chemicals, which were left in exposed Drums since 1984, deep into the soil and aquifers which feed Wells and boreholes. These water sources supply an estimated 25,000 people.

Toxic side effects of these chemicals in Bhopal include, Cancer, Kidney Damage, Breathlessness, Persistant Cough, Diminished Vision, early age cataracts, loss of Appetite, Menstrual Irregularities, Recurrent Fever, Back and Body aches, Loss of Sensation in the Limbs, fatigue, and Birth Defects.

According to BMA, over 120,000 chronically ill survivors are in desperate need of Medical attention and an estimated 10 to 15 people are dying every month from exposure related illness.

In Africa, particularly in Countries where Oil Exploration is highest, like Nigeria, and in many African Countries where Governments have purchased Toxic Wastes from Foriegn Companies, which then find their way into Village Rivers, Lakes, and Streams where local people get their water, has drastically increased the incidences of waterborne Diseases in Sub Saharan Africa.

According to a recent UN Human Development Report

"For every child in Africa who dies from Unsanitary Water conditions , Millions more will fall sick or miss school, trapped in a viscious circle that links Poor Health in childhood to poverty in Adulthood ..... they die because of where they live. More than 1 Billion people lack access to improved Sanitation, and Disease transmitted through Water is the second leading cause of Death among children Worldwide."

And according to the US House Foriegn Affairs Subcommittee on Africa, the Continent is among the least safe Drinking Water access regions.

In the Caribbean, the recent Earthquake in Haiti, demonstates the vulnerability of an already neglected Island whose access to safe Drinking Water was already low, now at crisis proportions.

The irony is that in all these Developing Regions, Clean Water exists in Villages underground, and with the proper Pumping devise Clean water can be accessible in the Village. Solar Pumps that don"t require electricity can ( except from sunlight) can pump water below 250 ft.

A good Solar Pump can be purchased for about $1600.

What we can do about our Water

In the immediate term, for those of us in the Continental US, whether you are recieving your water from a Municipal (Tap water) source, or from Well Water source, the only solution is filtration.

Ranking the various Filtration Media out there, Charcoal, Distilled, Reverse Osmosis. Though Osmosis Filtration has the advantage of multistage Filtration, it is a slow process, requiring Water to be stored in Storage tanks.

Carbon is found in Plant Roots, Soils, and Water, and is the most absorptive material in Nature. Simply stated the Carbon medium works as follows,

Water is forced through the pores of the densely compacted Carbon Block medium, where a combination of Mechanical Filtration , Electrokinetic absorption , and physical /chemical absorption take place to reduce a wide range of Contaminants. Solid Carbon Block Technology reduces Chlorine, Cysts, Cryptospiridium (Source of a Milwaukee outbreak which killed 7 people), and Giardia. VOC"s , Pesticides, Herbacides, Endrocrine Disrupters, Trihalomethanes (Cancer causing Disinfectant products like Chlorine and Flourine), Heavy Metals like Mercury, and Lead Turbidity, MTBE, Chlorimines, and Abestos .

It requires no Electricity, and does not add Salt or Silver to the water.

What is the Clean Water Action Network

The Network was founded by Min. Shakna Biddle in Washington DC in 2000.

After completing five years of Graduate Studies, at Howard University"s African Studies and Research Program in 1985, worked on several World Bank Projects under his advisor . Berket Selassie ( Ethiopia"s former Attorney General).

While researching Water Accesibility and Soil Fertility in West Africa ( Senegal, Guinea, and Mali) Min. Biddle was able to observe firsthand Health and Water conditions at the Village level.

Was initiated into Natural Medicine by a local Maribou ( Medicine Man) became particularly interested in the benefits of Lake based Blue Green Algae Spirulina, ( see Has worked on numerous Development Projects with various Organizations over past 20 years.

Min. Biddle has written numerous papers on various topics ranging from Soil Fertility in West Africa, Algae Farming, Water Contamination and Purification.

Currently he has a Water Purification and Soil Fertility Project underway in Ashanti Ghana, which has been endorsed by the UN Small Development Program.

The Clean Water Action Network currently based in Prichard Alabama, is dedicated to sponsoring Clean Water, and Natural Health Projects in the US, Africa, and the Caribbean.

You can help by first logging onto, and choosing a Water Filtration System to your liking. Then call Multipure tollfree at 1-800-622-9206 and order a filter, using our Distributor ID Number :347172.

For more information on our Clean Water Action Network log on to, then click the link at the top that says Clean Water Network. You can reach Min. Biddle by phone at (251) 456-7018, or e-mail requests to Thank you for your interest in making a difference.

We are also partnering with Village Volunteers, on a Water project in Ghana, to observe their Volunteer opportunites log on to

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