Save Money by Going Green

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Consumers often think of participating in the growing green movement as something that is quite literally out of their reach due to lack of knowledge, or the false assumption that doing so costs more money than the way they are currently living. However, many adjustments that can be made to your daily routine are not only less expensive than how you are living now, but are often free and can save hundreds of dollars each year.

- Put on your walking shoes or bicycle helmet and instead of driving, walk or bike to work, the grocery store, or the library. Not only will you save on a few gallons of gas, but since a typical 30 minute round trip made once a week, emits 1500 pounds of carbon emissions each year, you will contribute to the green movement, just by letting your feet hit the pavement instead of the gas pedal.

- Turn off the lights. What could be easier than taking a second to flick that switch or pull that chain? Getting yourself into the habit of being more aware of things like computers left in sleep mode and lights remaining on in rooms that aren't being used, is a small adjustment that can make a big impact on carbon emissions, as well as your electric bill. As an added bonus, the amount of heat that many light bulbs tend to give off can heat a room in the summer, prompting consumers to turn down the temperature on the air conditioning. Turning off those lights can provide a cooler atmosphere, saving money on not only electricity used to light your home, but cool it as well.

- Turn down the heating thermostat and turn up the central air a few degrees. The average household can cut 2,000 pounds of emissions from their carbon footprint on a yearly basis, simply by adjusting the warm and cool temperature a few degrees; a very minor adjustment that can save $100 off the total electric bill for the year.

Tip: To stay warm, invest in insulated socks and layer up during the winter months. To keep cool in the summer months, dress lightly and use ceiling fans and cross ventilation to distribute air. For an efficient, inexpensive personal air conditioner, set a frozen gallon jug of water in a pan and place in front of a fan. The frozen jug will cool the air as it passes, creating a surprisingly effective relief from the heat.

- If you haven't had your home energy efficiency assessed lately, call and set up an appointment with an expert who will come to your home and check on your insulation, furnace and air conditioning unit filters as well as look for any leaks or gaps in construction that are letting the warm or cool air escape. Caulking the windows and applying weather stripping to doors is not just a job for cold weather months. The same steps will keep the house cool when using central air.

To have an energy efficient home and a greener transportation plan is to have a padded wallet. You don't have to reconfigure your home with solar panels, or purchase a brand new hybrid vehicle to make your own personal strides toward helping to save the environment. These inexpensive and often free adjustments to the way you heat, cool, light and insulate your home, as well as the transportation choices you make, can not only significantly reduce your carbon footprint, but add some big money back into your bank account as well.

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