Common Tax Problems a Tax Attorney Can Help You With

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A famous expression says that there are only two things you can be certain of in life: death and taxes. For most people, keeping up with the latter can be a real challenge. Not all individuals are thoroughly familiar with the various tax provisions and guidelines out there. All they know is that they are supposed to pay their taxes, period.

That is why they often get stumped when they encounter taxation issues and complications. If you are one of those taxpayers who tend to get baffled with the processes behind this particular government charge, you may find it a relief to know that you can easily get help from qualified professionals whenever a tax problem arises. You may consult with tax problem attorneys who can effectively aid you in overcoming your tax worries.

Here are some of the most common tax troubles that a tax attorney can assist you with:

Unfiled tax returns

Apart from obvious procrastination, there are still other reasons why some people fail to file their income tax returns on time. Most are simply unfamiliar with the filing requirements. In other cases, some individuals commit willful evasion. According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), around 10 million taxpayers fail to file their tax returns each year. However, these non-filers are not automatically considered as evaders, they are just identified as delinquents. If you are in this predicament, you may successfully address the issue by getting a legal counsel and voluntarily complying with the requisites imposed by the law.

Payroll taxes

Errors in your company's payroll system can also get you into a tax problem, so try to be an informed employee as much as possible. Do this by making sure that your employer is deducting the correct amount of taxes from your earnings, and also ask them to review your payroll documents to ascertain that these are free from any discrepancies. Remember, the IRS will truly persist on collecting any unpaid payroll tax from you, so it is better to be aware of any possible errors as early as now than to be blindsided later on.

Tax liens

If you already incurred unpaid back taxes, chances are that the IRS may impose a tax lien upon your property such as your home, business location, or other real estate properties. This would restrict you from transferring ownership or selling these particular holdings without paying what you owe to the IRS first. This is an undesirable situation because with your properties on lien, there is no way for you to get a mortgage loan to pay off your debt. The best way to avoid this is to pay your taxes on time. However, if you are already in this kind of dilemma, it is better to seek advice from a tax problem attorney for the best course of action.

IRS audit

The IRS does a random audit of taxpayers' returns every year. Their system usually flags data that show statistically higher numbers of unsubstantiated deductions. If you received a notice that you are about to be audited, do not panic because it does not necessarily mean that you have done something wrong. As long as you are able to back your deductions up with documents and receipts, then the IRS will have no reason to go after you. That is why it is imperative that you keep a file of all the proofs of your expenditures for this dreaded moment. If you feel that you cannot go through the audit without guidance from a professional, do not hesitate to go a trusted tax attorney.

These are just some of the various tax problems that you may encounter, so it is always necessary to be on the look out for any possible issues that may come up. Be diligent in managing your taxes at all times, because although tax attorneys may be there to help you out with your difficulties, it is still much better to heed the adage that prevention is better than cure.For more information about tax problems or tax problem attorneys, visit us online.

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