Choose Only The Effective Cellulite Removal Products

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Some beauty products seen nowadays, such as foundation with moisturizers and sunscreen, actually nurture and enhance skin health. Other accessories, however, are a complete waste of money and are about as effective as the elixirs offered a century ago by traveling salesmen. Unluckily, many of the lotions, wraps and cellulite removal products fall into this latter category.

What is cellulite?

Have you seen lumpy regions on your thighs, hips or buttocks? If so, you are not alone. In fact, it is estimated that around 80% of women develop this condition. Like most of these women, you would probably love to permanently remove the cottage cheese look by your body. Unluckily, most of the "cures" on the market don't work because they do not concentrate on the reasons of cellulite.

Cellulite results from structural obstacles in the fat cells which lie directly under the skin. These cells are separated by fibers that start to get smaller and pull down on the skin. As the fat within the cell has nowhere else to go, it bulges upward, pushing against the skin. Over time the skin loses moisture and will become thinner, which will make the bulging cellulite more evident.

Cellulite Creams

Some of the most well-known cellulite removal products are lotions that claim to recover the look of cellulite. The most effective types have caffeine that stimulates blood stream to the skin and acts as a diuretic, momentarily eradicating wetness from the area and softening the look of cellulite. Any gain is firmly momentary, however, and women must go on with applying these expensive creams for life. Another product that supposedly improves the advantage of lotions is a pair of tight shorts, starting at $40 plus. These resemble a tight girdle and supposedly forces the creams deeper into the body. Female who do claim to experience diminished look of cellulite agree that the improvement disappears as soon as they stop making use of the products. Medical research carried out on the lotions show no lasting benefits.

Massage and Wrap Therapy

Other women looking out for guidance with cellulite removal have switched to massage therapies and various wraps. Massage can be carried out by hand or with a wide collection of rollers and appliances. Most guidelines suggest making use of massage with a mixture of oils and lotions which will improve skin health. Body wraps are also touted as a way to lose weight and to eliminate the cottage cheese appearance of cellulite, but the doctors who have studied these confirm that they just don't work. Any weight loss is due to dehydration, and as such is temporary. The structural problems that cause cellulite are under the skin and can't be cured with external therapies.

Is Cellulite Removal Possible?

"Yes", says Dr. Diktaban, considered by some to be the best cosmetic surgeon in NYC. "For the very first time technology is now seen which addresses the structural reasons of the issue and offers permanent cellulite removal." This breakthrough comes in the form of Cellulaze™, a product designed by Cynosure, the amazing producer of cosmetic laser products. Provided in Canada and the EU for the past two to three years, Cellulaze™ received FDA approval in the US as both secure and efficient in January 2012.

This amazing product works under the skin to rectify the instances that lead to cellulite. Using a small laser, constricted fibers are severed, releasing the pressure that pulls down the skin and leads to fat to bulge. The tenderness from the laser is utilized to soften fat so it can be reshaped and to stimulate collagen production in the skin. All this is accomplished in just one treatment, though it can take up to 3 months before the advantages are complete. The results, however, are lasting and sufferers who had the procedure 2 years ago report no return of the cellulite.

Stop wasting your wealth on accessories which do not relinquish. Get in touch with Dr. Diktaban today to see exactly what Cellulaze Cellulite Fat Removal can perform for you. Dr. Theodore Diktaban, a board certified plastic surgeon and certified otolaryngologist, has worked for years pioneering methods of minimally invasive liposuction. In over 30 years of practice he has carried out a lot more than 20,000 procedures and brings an expertise to each and every patient's care not obtainable in so many practices. He performs low-fat injection body sculpting at his offices in New York City for patients from all round the tri-state region as well and countries all over the world. Contact him for a private consultation.

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