Benefits Of Cellulaze Treatments

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Are you tired of having lumpy, cottage cheese looking regions on your hips and thighs? Have you stretched, exercised, massaged, thumped, wrapped and creamed these lumps to no avail? If so, you are not alone! Most female eventually come up with cellulite, and millions of money are spent every year in an attempt to eradicate the ugly condition. Until lately, however, there hasn't been a cellulite diminution treatment which provides a lasting result.

A Fresh Choice

Until January 2012, while the FDA approved the usage of a new laser tool called Cellulaze™ the only "cures" were products that claimed to advance the look of cellulite. Unluckily none of these products addressed the structural reasons of the issue, and many did nothing to make the skin look any better. Those which did provide a minor development in appearance were interim in nature, and a woman had to use the product consistently without end.

According to Dr. Theodore Diktaban, a double board-certified Manhattan cosmetic surgeon, this brand new technological improvement extremely does effect. During his 30 years of practice, Dr. Diktaban has been a pioneer in the usage of modestly invasive surgical methods and technology, experience which will give him an edge while it comes to utilizing Cellulaze™ the brand new cellulite reduction product built upon by Cynosure.

How Cellulaze™ Works

Cellulaze™ actually works by attaining to the root of the problem. Cellulite is not a result of fatness, poor dietary plan or a lack of exercise, although those conditions can worsen the issue. In fact, most women will develop cellulite at some point in their lives. The issue is genuinely structural. Below the skin is a layer of fat cells; in few areas, such as the thighs, hips and buttocks, more fat cells exist to provide the body shape and padding, and it is in those parts with the maximum concentration of fat which cellulite is most probable to emerge.

These fat cells are separated from one another by connective tissues which turn out to be tight and rigid over time. The tissues draw down on the skin that in turn forces the fat within the cell to lump up against the skin, producing the dimpled form known as cellulite. As the skin becomes thinner with age, the dimples become more pronounced.

Cellulaze™ is a simply persistent out-patient method that uses a small laser inserted below the skin. The laser breaks through the herniated connective tissues, releasing the pressure against the skin. The heat created gently melts the surplus fats away, a procedure that will smooth and tighten cellulite parts. The laser is then aimed towards the skin, where the heat stimulates the natural creation of collagen, improving skin thickness and elasticity.

Proven Advantages of Cellulaze™

While Cellulaze™ has been utilized in several other countries for some time; it did not receive FDA support until January 2012. To gain this approval the therapy had to be tested to be both secure and effective, requirements easily met by this procedure. Here are some of the proven advantages of Cellulaze™.

1. Long-term cellulite reduction. Patients undergoing the treatment two years ago confirm that the cellulite has not returned.

2. Only one out-patient therapy required. You don't need to spend money on day to day remedies anymore.

3. Up to a 30% improvement in skin elasticity.

4. Up to a 25% increase in skin thickness.

5. No visible scarring.

6. Negligible bruising.

7. Only local anesthesia needed.

8. Instantaneous consequences with continued progress for several months.

9. The only medication to address all three structural causes of cellulite.

Is Cellulaze™ Right for You?

The most evident question is whether or not you have cellulite. Cellulaze™ is not an substitute to weight loss; it is developed to address the specific issue of cellulite. When you look at your legs, thighs, hips and butt do you observe areas of dimpled skin? If you gently pinch a great portion of skin in those areas, do lumps appear? If so, then you have cellulite. Are you near your ideal weight and in good health? If the answer is yes you are an ideal candidate for Cellulaze™ cellulite reduction.

If you are interested in getting rid of those ugly lumps once and for all call Dr. Diktaban today for your first consultation. Dr. Theodore Diktaban, a board certified plastic surgeon and certified otolaryngologist, has worked for years pioneering methods of minimally invasive liposuction and New Laser Cellulite Reduction Treatment. In over 30 years of practice he has carried out a lot more than 20,000 procedures and brings an expertise to each and every patient's care not obtainable in so many practices. He performs low-fat injection body sculpting at his offices in New York City for patients from all round the tri-state region as well and countries all over the world. Contact him for a private consultation.

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