China will use 3 years of time to build credit management system, food industry enterprises

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BEIJING, December 27 Xinhua recently, from 10 ministries and commissions jointly developed the "food industry enterprise credit system construction guidance" formally issued the "Guiding Opinions" will be used in about three years, initially to establish a relatively perfect food industry enterprises credit management system.

According to the State Food and Drug Administration web site reports, 12 22, by the State Food and Drug Administration and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Supervision, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Health, the People's Bank, the National SAIC, State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine jointly developed the "food industry enterprise credit system construction guidance" officially issued.

"Guiding opinions" The objective is for the implementation of "Food Safety Law" and the implementing regulations to implement the "State Council issued light on the restructuring and revitalization plan notice" and "the State Council on the issuance of the work program of food safety rectification notice" requirement, accelerate the food industry enterprise credit system construction, and ensure food quality and safety, promote the healthy development of the food industry.

The "guiding opinions" is divided into the main contents of the importance of the guiding ideology, the main objectives and basic principles, major tasks, safeguards four parts.

The food industry enterprise credit system construction of the guiding idea is to fully implement the scientific concept of development to ensure food quality and safety, and promote the healthy development as the goal, to enhance the quality and safety integrity as its core business, law-abiding Compliance as the standard, the basis of social ethics, corporate focus on self-regulation through government guidance and promotion, industry associations to strengthen self-discipline and enterprises to fulfill their main responsibility, community participation and supervision, and gradually establish a corporate responsibility, based on social supervision constraints, integrity effects can be evaluated faith there is a system of food rewards and punishments industrial enterprise credit system.

The main objective is to use three years time, initially a relatively sound credit management system, food industry enterprises, integrity of information collection and disclosure system, credit evaluation system and the government sector to work together to promote, trade associations, organization and implementation, food enterprises to actively participate, fiduciary duty the effective implementation of the food industry enterprise credit system operation mechanism.

There are four basic principles: First, the system combined with the education and publicity. Second, insist on corporate responsibility combined with the industry self-regulation. Third is to uphold the Government to promote integration and social supervision. Fourth, discipline and integrity praise break its promise to adhere to combine.

The food industry enterprise credit system construction of a total of six main tasks, first, to promote corporate integrity culture. Second, accelerate the establishment of enterprise credit management system. Third is to accelerate the integrity of information collection and disclosure system. Fourth, credit evaluation system. 5 is to promote the integrity of service sector development. 6 is the integrity to carry out experimental work.

Food industry, the construction of enterprise credit system safeguards are six:

(A) to strengthen organization and leadership. To establish a unified and efficient sectoral coordination working mechanisms. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in conjunction with the other nine ministries and commissions to guide the food industry enterprise credit system building, according to the implementation of integrity of information collection and use of shared, strengthen food safety supervision and management. And supervisory organs of government departments promoting the food industry, the implementation of enterprise credit system construction of administrative supervision. Trade associations to carry out integrity training, guiding enterprises to establish a credit system, the implementation of national standards, organize the enterprises to participate in good faith evaluation activities, to enhance the quality of credit information.

(B) strictly according to law. Construction of food industry enterprises integrity the legal system, accelerate the formulation of relevant regulations, standards. Throughout the food safety supervision departments based on corporate compliance and integrity of the implementation of business classification regulation, according to law enforcement inspections and monitoring to adjust the focus. For serious violations of food safety management laws and regulations, fake goods production and other serious dishonesty in business, to be included in the "blacklist" focus on the implementation of supervision according to law to limit product recalls and other administrative penalties, and society published; Industry Association To take advantage of honest tips, alerts, etc. to implement disciplinary integrity.

(C) the role played by information platform. Across government departments to make full use of existing credit information management network to ensure sharing of information resources to achieve the construction of information platform for network integrity, honesty information content systematic, good faith use of information socialization.

(D) Increase policy support. Across government departments should strengthen the construction of social credit management system to actively support the enterprise credit system infrastructure necessary to encourage social resources to the integrity of corporate tilt.

(E) To strengthen credibility ranks. Active in food safety and integrity of management knowledge training, and encourage enterprises to train food industry food safety and integrity of management personnel, to accelerate the construction with good ethics, theoretical and practical ability with a strong food safety and integrity of the professional management team for the integrity of food industry enterprises system to provide personnel protection.

(F) to intensify propaganda. Strengthen the integrity of enterprise information system construction work, to play the role of social supervision. Credit system to promote good practices in the pilot, advocacy and recognition of being honest and trustworthy enterprise, to create the "honest pride, dishonesty ashamed of" social atmosphere of public opinion.

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