Bush–Bama: same policies, soon to be similar approval ratings

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Bush left office with a 32 % approval rating. The Black Jesus, the Most Important Man in History [MIMH], is currently sitting at about 45 % and declining fast. For the record Bush's popularity was over 53 % at the same point in time in both his first and second terms. Many reasons exist for Bush's unpopularity - including weirdly a victorious war in Iraq - but one fact is certain and which is not mentioned by the media or the really smart people. Bush's popularity collapsed when it became clear that he was not a Conservative but just another spending addict, drugged by the power of ever bigger and more intrusive government. Expect the same catastrophic result for the MIMH as he mimics failed Bush policies. But the media will try to spin it into 'White racism', 'stupid people protesting' or 'a vast Right Wing conspiracy'.

Lou Dobbs, chased off of CNN by intolerant Liberal-Marxist 'moderates', summed it up well: 'Socialism in America began under Bush.' Almost. But the point is well made. Socialism in 'Amerika' really began of course under LBJ and JimNuts Carter, the witless and failed peanut farmer who was financially bailed out by Arab money [hence his virulent anti-semiticism]. But Dobb's point is right - Bush's policies were pre-cursors of those of the Most Important Man in History [MIMH]. After some 9 years of rampant governmental expansion, it is little wonder that the average over-taxed over-regulated American is fed-up. So why the animus towards Bush and the media-educational-really smart people love for the Black Jesus ? Not much difference exists in reality between the two programs.

Psychological bi-polar illness informs a lot of so-called political debate and impressions. So too does crass hypocrisy and mis-information. The MIMH is expanding the Bush policies and ideals of 'Compassionate Conservatism' [or radical Socialism] by some accelerated factor of x. They will fail. And like Bush, the MIMH's popularity will collapse as the US doubles its national debt, inflates through a negative interest rate policy another housing and financial bubble; increases marginal and statutory tax rates to pay for massive deficits, implements some form of socialized health care, and hammers the economy with eco-fascist nonsense and attendant wealth destruction in the form of Cap and Tax.

Madness all of it.

The MIMH's program of radical socialism while perfectly predictable some 3 years ago, is but a continuation of Bush's policy of big government expansionism.

Bush's Compassionate Conservatism was a failure. It is about as logical as Free Market Marxism. As I wrote in Jan 2008:

"Compassionate Conservatism and its cultural marxist antecedent is a powerful force in US politics. Neo-con is a label applied to one group who supports the big government agenda with a strong foreign policy and hawkish military disposition for example. Another appellation is RINO - Republicans in Name Only with Republican in this context being small-government conservatives. RINOs are disaffected statists, and socialists. The CC agenda is in reality an anti-conservative concept, promoting the use of state power, and the nationalization of markets as well as cultural and moral relativity. The CC concept, developed by a Bush economic adviser and former Marxist professor Marvin Olasky has much in common with Marxist-socialist thought, differing only on the use of military power, and some aspects of supply side economics.

With the Olasky inspired agenda, the Bushies spent most of their time and energy on government expansionism, leaving Iraq, national security, border security and other key issues to be framed by their opponents."

Bush had two good ideas - cut taxes and fight Islam. Both were implemented poorly. When you cut taxes you need to cut spending. When you fight Islam you have to be prepared to rebuild failed nation states and replace Islamic ideology with something intelligent and appealing. But in any event at least you can give Bush credit for these programs and the idea - hypocritical as it was with expanding government - that a cult of life and responsibility was preferable to one of slavery to the idol of the state.

The MIMH is far clearer than Bush. He covets and desires the expansion of government in all areas of life. The individual means nothing to the MIMH and his friends. Power does. Owning banks, car companies, health care and appeasing his union benefactors is what obsesses the MIMH. He wants to completely socialize US culture and political-economy.

Because of all this expect the Black Jesus to disappear from US political history as a colossal failure. His approval rating will be as low as Bush's at some point in time. Simply put most Americans are too intelligent to tolerate socialism. Something that the Europeans can't claim and something that the really smart people don't understand.

Author Bio.

President Bush may have had good ideas in fighting islamic facism, but his popularity rating quickly plummeted just like that of the current Black Jesus. Find out why the Black Jesus is falling in fame due to fighting the same Islamic ideology at Craigsread, but no one seems to be calling him out for it.

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