Chemical Peel Technique and Skin Rejuvenation

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You don’t have to live in a box to know that the skin care industry is a big business. There are literally thousands of unique products and websites out there all of which are trying to sell you their secret crème with all the answers to improving the look of your skin. Needless to say this can be very confusing to the person looking for straight answers and procedures, for example, the chemical peel, that will help improve the condition of their skin.
The fundamentals of healthy skin care and revitalizing aged skin isn’t too hard to understand when you start to think about it. Essentially it all boils down to a few simple concepts, mainly prevention with protection and exfoliation.

Prevention of wrinkling and the formation of dyschromias (spots and uneven coloring) is done by protecting yourself from items in your environment that do damage to your skin, mainly the sun. It starts early in life, but it is never too late to wear sunscreen lotion. UV radiation, while giving you a tan, also can cause significant damage to your skin. Eventually this damage to the DNA of cells in the skin is irreversible, and it can even lead to bigger problems. If severe enough and over a long enough period of time, this damage can lead to the formation of skin cancers (i.e. basal cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, etc.).

Another big injurer of the skin is smoking. The carcinogens in cigarette smoke cause further damage to your skin cells DNA, which can make you look significantly older than you are. If you still smoke and care about your skin, it is just one more reason to consider quitting or at least significantly reducing the amount you smoke.

After you've protected your skin from thing in your environment that prevent damage, the next step in the skin rejuvenation process is exfoliation. Exfoliation involves the removal of the oldest and dead skin cells on the skin's outermost surface. The can be accomplished in a very gradual, gentle way or in an aggressive, more immediate way. Furthermore, exfoliation can be performed with a variety of tools (i.e. Retin A, lasers, intensity pulse therapy, etc.). Whatever tool you use, good results can be achieved when done properly by an expert.

One way to quickly jump start your exfoliation process is with a light chemical peel. There are many different chemical peeling agents out there from lactic acid (milk acid) to glycolic acid (fruit acid) to phenol peels. Peeling agents can also be mixed together to make them even more potent. Chemical peeling is an easy in office procedure with little downtime when done judiciously.

It is important to accept that everyone’s skin is a little different. Some products and peeling agents work better, while others may cause unbearable irritation and even allergic reactions. The exfoliation and peeling process is done over time and you must be patient while you work towards figuring out which exfoliating agent will lead to the best skin care results in you!

Learn more about chemical peels at Hammond Louisiana Skin Doctor

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