Surgery or Natural Breast Enhancement?

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There are a high percentage of women who are discontented with their breasts. According to a survey conducted, most women are disappointed by one or two aspects of their breasts. These issues commonly include breast size, shape, proportion, roundness, firmness, curvature and poise in relation to the rest of the body.

The results prompted the obvious question, why are so many women in search of breast enhancement?

Some said it had to do with image, self esteem and confidence but most admitted they did it to look more appealing to men. When asked which method of breast enhancement they would mostly prefer, the results were mixed. The three most common methods stated were surgery, implants and use of natural breast enhancement alternatives.

Conventional Medical Practitioner’s and plastic surgeons put up a strong case for surgery as a means of breast enlargement. On the other hand, alternative medicine practitioners like naturopaths and herbal doctors supported natural health products. Together with product makers, they all pleaded the case for natural formula breast enlargement creams and pills.

Natural breast enhancement involves the use of plant extracts like pueraria to induce and augment full maturity of the breasts. An incomplete cycle of breast maturity is normally the cause of small breast size that affects many women. Some women though are genetically disposed to having smaller sized breasts. They may try out some of the natural alternatives instead of going for invasive procedures that come with myriad side effects.

Not all women can achieve breast enlargement naturally though. There has not been a single comprehensive study on natural breast augmentation solutions. This means it is not a guaranteed solution that cuts across the board. Only some products like the mirifica extract have been proven to be effective in breast enlargement. Other natural pills and creams may work positively on one person but cause side effects on another.

This is commonly brought on by a number of factors. They include: metabolism rate of the body, dietary factors, weight, body reaction to ingredients in the pill, length of time and consistency of usage.

Although surgery is a controlled procedure with a high likelihood of success, the surgeon should give you a breakdown of potential risks associated with it. The cost of breast augmentation surgery is also quite high compared to the fairly priced natural methods.

It is recommended that you be given a money back guarantee by the seller of alternative breast enhancers. Reputable dealers of products like pueraria mirifica extracts will offer you such deals since they are sure of the outcome. A cheap deal will most likely come with similar results so avoid imitations and backstreet vendors.

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