Cheap Mobile Phones : Spoiled for Choice

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One departed soul who will be actually be literally dancing in his grave would be undoubtedly Sir Alexander Graham Bell. After all no other product than the telephone has witnessed such stupendous growth both in terms of technology and in the sheer number of people who are using it.

In the UK alone, according to one estimate, currently over 70 million mobile phones are in use. Every hour 1,000 phones are bought and many old ones thrown away. This statistics is despite global recession, swine flu, etc. Cheap Mobile Phones are a reality rather than your unfulfilled wish.

There is a mind blowing variety to choose from. The breakneck competition in the mobile market in the UK has ensured that every other day we are flooded with new choices of all kind of phones, regular handsets, smart phones, and now 3G phones.

Nokia, Samsung, Virgin, Acer, Apple, Alcatel, Microsoft, Google, all are going crazy somehow trying to bring to the market a new phone that has at least one feature that is new and not found in the other existing makes. If that is possible!! The best phone deals and best phone offers are only round the corner or already arrived!!

We ll it is and these telecommunication majors a delivering and delivering big time. And value for money is the new mantra. Your new model is going to disappear from the shop shelves if you have managed to pack in the regular features - sleek look, durability, WAP enabled, a 2 pixel camera, blue tooth technology, in-built features of provision of news, sports updates, astrology, jokes, and of course, SMS. These features are now no more a preserve of the more expensive handsets. But the more common smart phones have all of these attractions and more. Cheap Mobile Phones are available in the market now in every size, colour, shape and fitted with all realistic and not so realistic features that you could ask for.

What is more. The leading networks O2, Orange, 3, T-Mobile, Virgin Mobiles all support them and effectively. Cheap mobile phones are the order of the day here. The best phone deals and the best phone offers are the maximum item advertised these days. Wherever you look, read or see, there is a press release, notice, advertisement, hoarding, or some mention of a still new model that one of your favourite manufacturer has released in the market. Some of these deals that fall under Contract deals also offer nice free gifts on certain models such as Laptops, LCDs, etc. What more can one wish for.

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