Cell Phone Lookup Reconnects High School Best Friends

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When best friends Sandy and Emma were still in grammar school, they pinky-swore to each other to never drift apart. Regardless of where life was going to take each of them, they intended to stay in touch and always know each other's whereabouts and contact information so they can talk and visit often. At the time, they had no idea how they would accomplish that: this was before anyone ever heard of cell phone lookup.

Now they were in high school and getting ready to go to college out of state. Emma was going to remain on the East Coast, and Sandy was eager to explore new frontiers in California. They had never been apart for more than several days, and neither was taking the impending long-term separation well. The day had finally arrived when the two girls said their tearful goodbyes and departed in opposite directions.

Fast forward ten years. Both friends had completed their education and were enjoying successful careers and personal lives; both were happily married with children. Alas, people don't always keep the promises made in childhood, and unfortunately, neither did Sandy and Emma. Now, with the ten-year high school reunion upon them, both girls got to thinking about each other.

Sandy was the first to take action. She wasn't going to just walk into the reunion and face her once-best friend after years of separation, without talking to her first. From her family, she knew Emma had returned to their hometown after graduating from vet school. What she wanted was her cell phone number.

The cell phone lookup was really fast and simple: all she had to do was enter her friend's first and last name and state of residence, and - boom - she had Emma's number. Needless to say, it was an emotional conversation: they had so much catching up to do! The women were on the phone for hours, and by the end of their conversation they had made a new oath to never lose touch again.

School reunions came and went, and now Emma's and Sandy's daughters were fast friends soon to go away to college. The mothers had long shared their cell phone lookup experience with the young girls, and these two knew for sure they were never losing sight of each other - ever.

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