Cell Phone History

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Buying a cell phone seems pretty straightforward.
One goes to the store, or the mall kiosk, and signs up for a service.
Then, if the offer is a good deal, a cell phone comes free.

Sometimes the salesperson tries to upgrade the buyer into paying more money by showing a variety of cell phone brands.
Cell phones aren't just made by one company. There are many cell phone brands available.

Most cell phone companies contract with electronics manufacturers to create phones that are compatible with their services. These cell phone brands have different styles and types of phones.
Many cell phone makers constantly try to outdo each other with features.

Many phones now include color displays and some form of Web access.
Other cell phone brands put out phones that can take pictures.
Not only does the cell phone have many features now, but it also comes in many styles.

Some phones look like small, straight sticks.
Others are done in a clamshell style, flipping open and then closing into a small, compact shape. Still others slide open sideways to reveal a keyboard used for all sorts of things including surfing the web.

Three main cell phone brands are;

Samsung specializes in picture cell phones and

Motorola makes mainly walkie-talkie style cell phones.

Nokia has an array of Web accessible phones.

There is also Blackberry, Symbian, Android, Pearl, HTC, LG and probably a host of others I've never even heard of.

Don't forget the Bluetooth rage!

Some cell phone brands are experimenting with cell phones that simply fit over the ear, no hands necessary at all.
This type of cell phone does not require a separate head set plug-in; the cell phone actually fits over the ear.
No matter which service you choose, the company probably carries all cell phone brands.

Future Technology

1. Super Fast Charge
The most annoying aspect of any phone currently on the market? If you guessed late night calls from drunken, depressed ex-girlfriends and/or grandma, you’re close, but not quite. It’s the god awful battery life and recharge time.

Sure, they’ve made strides to ensure your phone battery lasts a few hours, but inevitably it will dwindle down and you’ll have to plug it in to charge for a couple of hours.

Thanks to insufferably smart MIT people who have been playing with lithium-ion technology, charge time in the future is likely going to be reduced to mere seconds.
No kidding.
Best of all, the technology isn’t really space age and new, it’s just a modification on existing technology, meaning they’re expecting it to be available fairly soon - like within the next couple of years.

2. You Charge

If the concept of a 10 second battery charge is still too much of a burden for you to bear, then you’re going to want to make use of piezoelectric generators that are already being used in some phones. The generators are powered by kinetic energy, which means the more you use your phone, the more you charge your phone.

(If you’re a teenager with unlimited texting and a bit of technical know how, it’s possible you could use your phone to power your entire house..... Maybe.)

In any event, the upside of the kinetic energy power supply is that when you’re in a tight situation and your battery is just about to crap out on you, and you have no power outlet handy, you still don’t have to worry. If you're on a highway when you’re out of gas or on a life raft after a fishing trip gone horribly wrong, you’ll always be able to send out at least one more message.

These are just a couple of ideas for the future of cell phones.

When choosing which cell phone is right for you, think about what you want to do with it, and what features appeal to you. Don't be pressured by the salesperson.

The cell phone is an expression of who you are: make sure you get what you want.

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Occupation: Retired
I'm a grandmother 7 times over and have one great grandchild. I've done
everything from sales clerk to manager of a retail store. Now doing business
on the internet and lovin' it!
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Source: http://www.articleheaven.net/cell-phone-history-1839605.html

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