California political news

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California is among the largest states in the Western part of United States and is a place, which always attract the print and electronic media for its political scenerio. Being a state which is quite evenly divided among the Republicans and democrats, the, California often go through political doldrums because it has got several issues that none of the government starting from the year 1952 has been able to resolve. California political news always finds its place on the newspapers and news channels because days without any political problems cropping up in the state are numbered.

The two biggest issues that most of the California political news are made about are water and land prices. Thanks to the unique geographical location of the state, there has always been a difference among the people of Northern and Southern parts of California about distribution of water. While a majority of the state's population are inhabitants of the Southern part, maximum water is in its Northern side. This has always been a major problem for agriculture in the state. Several governments have come to power in the last 60 years but has failed to improve the irrigational infrastructure of the state. Even there is problem with the distribution of drinking water.

Problem regarding land prices too is a subject of a major percentage of California political news. Prices of land in the state is unnecessarily high which makes it difficult for the middle class people to invest for their own residential property. As the price of land is on a continuous rise, landowners here are opposed to sale their properties, which makes it difficult for the local government to take up developmental projects like airports and prisons. Educational institutions too create problems often for the local people by rising the housing prices. Agitations in front of schools and colleges are a very common site in California.

Increase in the rate of crime is another issue that often makes the political condition of California heated. The rate of murder in the rural areas and the dominance of gangs in the urban areas have reached such a level that the law of the state has does not prohibit people from carrying arms.

some online communities that continuously monitor the political scenario of California and offer a platform to people who are interested in the politics of the state, like to discuss the major political issues and want to take part in discussions and interactions with others. being a major part of California's politics, the public policy of the state is also a subject that those online communities monitor very closely. If you are interested in Clifornia's politics an issues that the state has been dealing with, then browse through online communities on politics today.

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