President Obama: A Man of Faith, and Abortion

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President Barack Obama wants everyone to believe him, over the word of God. The President wants us to believe that it is not clear as to what the word of God teaches in regard to abortion. However, the President repeatedly used the word “faith”.

The President gave the commencement speech at Notre Dame on May 17, 2009. If this institute claim to represent God then they have failed to do so. The word of God (the book the bible) that they are supposed to be guided by, does not allow for anyone to teach that which is contrary to it.

Paul an apostle of Christ being guided by the Holy Spirit wrote: Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. 18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. 19 For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. Romans 16:17

So, based on the above passage of scriptures, is the Catholic church being guided by the word of God or President Barack Obama?

The issues of abortion:

* Academically, the issue of abortion involves the balance of rights and freedoms between the mother and the baby.

* Theologically, there are really only two questions:

* At what point does life (ie: do not kill) begin between conception and birth?

* Is it sin to abort a fetus?

Bible Defines Life:

A. No where uses phrases “human” or “human being”

1. Uses “man, woman, child, son, daughter, baby etc.”

2. Since these terms are used for unborn children, then we have evidence that human life is present before birth

3. The Bible makes no distinction of any kind in the terms used to describe a fetus.

4. “Body without spirit is dead”: Jas 2:26

5. “The blood is the life”: Deut 12:23 fetus has bloodstream at 4 weeks

B. “Begat sons and daughters” Gen 5:3,4,28-30

1. Begat always refers to conception and fertilization

C. “children & sons in womb” Gen 25:21-22; 2 Ki 19:3; Ruth 1:11

D. “a man child conceived” Job 3:3

1. Notice the difference: day of birth, night conceived see Rev 12:5 “man child born”

E. “mother” of unborn child Num 12:12; Lk 1:43

F. Rom 9:11 for though the twins were not yet born, and had not done anything good or bad

G. “baby leapt for joy” in mother’s womb Lk 1:41,44

conceived a “son” Lk 1:36; Acts 7:29

Conception - the action of conceiving a child or of a child being conceived : an unfertilized egg before conception.

Folks when President Obama uses the word “faith” he does not use it in as the bible uses it. The bible tell us: “So then, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17)

What President Obama wants us to believe is that, if you are against abortion then you are an extremist. However, if you are in favor of abortion then you are a moderate, and you are moral.

Mr. President if nothing is wrong with abortion, why are you suggesting that we need to limit the amount of abortion which is viewed as extreme? Furthermore, why are you enabling more abortions all over the world, with the morning after pill? The “morning after” emergency contraception is just another abortion approach that kills a human life. Either abortion is okay, and moral; no matter what the circumstances, or it is not.

The President believe the planet needs to be saved, but not the unborn child.

Do you believe the bible or man?

“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” (Genesis 8:22) Are there any bible Christians left in this nation?

Maybe President Obama is right: “America is not a Christian Nation.”

Besides, President Obama said, “He Doesn’t Want His Daughter’s Punished With A Baby”.

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