Buying Guide - Understanding Energy Efficient Ratings

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This easy to read guide may help you to understand how the instruments are classified as to achieve efficiency, which means that assessment, and what you're looking for while shopping for new hardware.

Energy Star label is the government's seal of approval. It was created by the U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These agencies to develop criteria to help shoppers for household appliances large and small to identify products in the most efficient use of energy in the market. Energy Star-labeled hardware-based exceed federal efficiency standards, typically, from 13-20 percent, and as much as 110% for some devices. Can we ensure that our customers are buying the device is a high-performance product that would reduce the operating costs for this device or product in each month within a year of battery life.

Considerations classification devices

Natural gas


AFUE systems is the use of the annual fuel efficiency rating. AFUE efficiency measures and seasonal or yearly. For energy products ® Star, 90 is the AFUE rating. Size and one of the most important factors affecting the efficiency of AFUE. A very large system costs more and works efficiently. Bigger is not always the best! Have a professional assessment of your needs and recommend the type and size of the system, which should be purchased.

Room air

Conditioners EER is to assess the efficiency of energy use. The higher the EER, the more efficient the unit.

Energy Star ® units are among the most energy-saving products and exceed the standards of the Federal minimum of at least 15%.

Two major decisions should be directed procurement process. * Purchase unit volume correctly! Buy the efficient use of energy!

If the room is very sunny, and the ability to increase by 10%. If the unit is for a kitchen, increase capacity through the 4000 British thermal units per hour.

Central air

Conditioning the SEER seasonal energy efficiency rating. Rates of efficiency behind me during the cooling season. Look for voting sees 12 or higher. Air conditioners that bear the Energy Star ® mark of at least 20% more efficient than air conditioners that meet the new federal minimum standards for efficiency and can double the efficiency of some existing systems. Contact for professional advice to limit the central air system.


From the air-to-air

Heat pumps indicates the SEER cooling efficiency. HSPF is the Heating seasonal performance factor and refers to the efficiency of heating. If you live in a cold climate, the search for heat pump with HSPF high. If you buy energy star ® heat pump, you get a product that has been on 25% higher efficiency. Contact For professional advice on the purchase heat pumps from the air to the atmosphere.


Freezers Search for Federal Trade Commission (FTC) label on the devices to tell you how much electricity, in kilowatt / hour (kWh) a particular model will be used in one year. The smaller the number, the less energy it uses. Search for energy saver "" switch on models with the freezer on top. When buying a refrigerator free of frost, and find one with an option in the consumption of energy. Refrigerators with freezers at the top and more effective than those that freeze on the side. Search for heavy door hinges, which are subject to close the door well. Energy Star ®-labeled units exceed federal standards by at least 20%.

Dishwashers EF is a factor of energy. This figure represents the number of plenary sessions that the dishwasher will work with the use of one kilowatt / hour of electricity. Energy Star ® dishwashers have Graphic 0.52 or more, 13% better than current federal standards. Search for features that would reduce water use, such as heaters and controls enhanced smart. Ask how a gallon of water a dishwasher uses during different cycles. Dishwashers that use the least amount of water would cost less to operate.



Find the heat that will allow you to easily use two separate programs; recovery "advanced" feature that can be programmed to reach the required temperature at a specific time, a feature we believe to exceed temporarily the setting without deleting preset programs. Look for a label Energy Star ®.


Washing Machines EF stands for power factor. Executive power is the number of sessions that are full laundry will work with the use of one kilowatt / hour of electricity. Energy Star must have units Image ® 2.5 or more above the current federal level of 1.18. Search for the following design features that help to reduce the use of washing machine water: early design and controls the water level of the "foam soap saver" features, and spin cycle adjustment, large capacity. To poor efficiency and buy a unit of energy Star ®.


Heater EF efficiency rating is a factor of the total energy of the heater. In Family Medicine is the first hour of the classification system, which measures the maximum hot water the heater will deliver in the first hour of the beginning of use of the cold. Buy a water heater with a thick buffer. If you want a quick hot water, it will be important to family medicine to vote for you. Sizing important - call your local utility for advice.

Q: What is the size of the air conditioner to buy?

In the region

Square foot, Btu / h

100-150 5000

150-250 6000

250-350 7000

350-400 9000

400-450 10 000

450-550 12 000

550-700 14 000

700 to 1,000 18,000

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