How Much Can I Save with Energy Saving Devices Like Efergy Elite & Eco Kettle?

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The 21st century is known as the Green century. We all have become used to seeing the giant windmills and the solar panels almost everywhere we go these days. The news is filled with the promise of exciting new energy sources that will save the environment and make our world clean. Someday, George Jetson might just have the ability to fly his mum to the chiropractor. For now, though, we are still on our way and we cannot just sit around and wait can we? Shouldn't you be doing something? Shouldn't you be turning the heating or the air conditioning down? What is the harm in wearing a sweater or stripping off a layer or two? Well one of the things that we all understand is that going backwards to the 19th century is not going to work.

Modern Focus
This is a new world and with all of the focus on words like "Sustainability" and "Renewable Energy" you can sometimes feel that you are powerless to do anything that really matters. That is a false impression. There is much that is now possible that wasn't just a few years ago. While you may not be able to afford to put a windmill on your roof yet, technology has advanced to the point that everyday appliances can become a weapon in the battle against global warming.

Ways to Save
For example, let us consider everyday activities and look at targets of opportunity. You might be familiar with the ritual of tea drinking. Perhaps a dozen or so times a day? This is something that constitutes a fundamental social activity, like eating or keeping warm. As such it should be the first place you look for ways to save. The logic being that if everybody does it the collective impact will be significant. The trick here is that you and most all your mates drink tea. So if you where to take steps to save energy by drinking tea, say, with an Eco Kettle, they would ask and they would do it too, right?

How Much Savings
How much would you save? Well, according to a recent study if you and all your mates would use an Eco Kettle there would be an impact. The Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) estimate that if every kettle user in the UK switched to an Eco Kettle, over 1,270,000,000 kWh of electricity could be saved every year. That is a potential saving of over £1 million a week to the average UK householder.

Just in case your mates are skeptical, you should actually buy an Efergy Elite. It is an energy use monitor that will record every watt you use. This way, when you mates ask you to prove your point, you just show them the numbers and "Bang!" you've started a revolution. You see, most people tend to ignore what they do not see. With an Efergy Elite you will see the results. This way you, your family and your mates will be able to track the results and feel more involved. They will go out and buy their own and you can have a contest. You'll have intelligence in the war on global warming.

Chris Tyrrell writes for Ecofreak, an environmentally friendly online shop specialising in energy saving products such as the Efergy Elite. Visit the website for more details.

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