Best Ways To Get Rid Of Age Spots And Skin Blemishes

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Cumulative sun exposure paves way to the appearance of age spots and skin blemishes. If you are frequently exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays during your younger years, you will surely pay for it when you get older. Old skin no longer has the reliable regenerative and corrective functions of youthful skin. This is why problems like age spots sprout suddenly.

You need to help your aging skin get rid of age spots and blemishes. Here are some remedies you would want to try:

1. Try mixing apple cider vinegar and rose water. Apply it on the affected areas. Apple cider vinegar contains three types of acids. However, its malic acid content is the most effective. It can slough off dead skin cells and facilitate renewal of dermis tissues. In doing so, the old and dark skin layers are removed.

2. Mix pearl powder with citric acid and rose water to make a paste. Apply this on the affected areas. Aside from the anti-wrinkle properties of pearl powder, it also has lightening benefits that can inhibit melanin production and get rid of blemishes and spots. This can even make your complexion rosier and more vibrant.

Mix this with L-ascorbic acid. This contains Vitamin C or citric acid that can inhibit melanin production as well. This vitamin targets dark spots in the body and lightens them up to match with the rest of your skin tone.

3. Apply a good moisturizing product two times a day. The cream you are using should be loaded with beneficial ingredients such as Extrapone Nutgrass, CynergyTK and Maracuja.

Extrapone Nutgrass is a kind of plant used to treat rashes and infection. But its root extracts also have lightening properties that can inhibit melanin production by up to 45% during the first two weeks of use.

CynergyTK can keep your dermis strong and resilient. It contains functional keratin, the kind of complex protein responsible for collagen lubrication.

Maracuja is what you need to keep skin supple and moist. It has emollient properties similar to human skin. That being said, it can mimic the moisture-retaining functions of the skin.

4. Apply lemon juice on the affected areas. Massage the juice on your clean skin for about 30 seconds. Religious application can help the juice penetrate deeper into your skin. Let it stay there for about 30 minutes before washing it off. As you know, lemon juice contains citric acid that can curb melanin production.

With these tips at your disposal, you can surely bring back unblemished and youthful skin. Make sure you try these simple remedies soon.


And now I would like to invite you to visit to find out which are the anti aging products you should use in order to achieve clearer and radiant looking skin.

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