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Articles, tagged with "melanin production", page 1

10th January 2012

Blemish Removal Tips

Blemish all over the face are the last thing you would want o have! Well, but there are times when we simply cannot avoid them. They are frustrating and also a big hit for one's self-confidence. Very common among teenagers, these are the results of flu...

07th October 2011

Asian individuals are acknowledged to have thicker skin and thus, standard skin treatment items built for Europeans are not suited.DR Key is not a doctor's merchandise as quite a few had perceived, but the "DR" stands for "Dermatological Revolution" which...

20th June 2011

Why Some Indoor Tanning Lotions Sizzle

If you've ever used an indoor tanning lotion you know that it can sometimes produce a tingling sensation on your skin. The tingling isn't exactly painful and is rarely even uncomfortable. However, many people are afraid of this tingling sensation. They wo...

19th April 2011

Age Spot Reducer Tips To Help You Achieve Fantastic, Younger Looking Skin

Looking for a good age spot reducer? Than you’ve come to the right place! There’s no need to let these freckles reveal your age – or make you appear older than you really are. Age spot reduction is as simple as knowing what age spots are and what cause...

13th April 2011

Age Spots Removal Cream - Does it Definitely Get the job done?

Nonetheless, sufferers who utilizes it identified their pores and skin to be substantially whiter soon after use. Soon after the discovery, health-related researchers conducted far more scientific tests and discovered that this effective ingredient can mi...

25th January 2011

Permanent Skin Whitening

Have you ever longed for fairer, brighter skin? Strange isn't it? How some very fair ladies feel they look sickly and bask in the sun for a so called healthy tan. They were healthier pale than browned because a tan is a sign of sun damage. If you are born...

05th January 2011

Best Ways To Counteract The Negative Effects Of UV Rays

Young people think UV rays only make their skin turn a darker shade. But the effects of UV rays go deeper. They even affect skin functions at a cellular level. The ultraviolet rays of the sun primarily cause instability in melanin production. Melanin ...

05th January 2011

Top External Influences That Can Make Your Skin Look Older

With all the trappings of our personal lives, we usually forget the various external factors that make our skin look older. Most of us tend to forget to take good care of our skin. You should be wary of the following external influences that make your...

05th January 2011

How To Stop The Sun From Damaging Your Skin All The Time

The warm and sunshiny weather is always a good excuse to go outdoors and have fun. But you cannot get away from the sun unscathed. The UV rays it emits can stress out collagen fibers and can facilitate the excessive production of melanin. Cumulative sun e...

05th January 2011

How To Avoid Rapid Skin Aging Caused By Cumulative Sun Exposure

Prior to this, did you know that the aging process happens faster when you are exposed to the sun? UV rays can damage collagen fibers and break down vitamin A inherent in the integumentary system. Moreover, radiation also causes a chemical reaction proces...

05th January 2011

5 Secrets In Correcting Photodamage

Photodamage pertains to the damages your skin acquires whenever it is exposed to the sun for a prolonged period of time. While UV rays are beneficial to our skin, too much exposure to the sun can be very damaging. Ultraviolet rays damage collagen fibers a...

05th January 2011

Avoid Age Spots Formation In 3 Easy Steps

Many people plagued by age spots regret not taking good care of their skin when they were younger. Age spots are the after-effects of cumulative sun exposure. When you are exposed to the sun frequently during your younger days, you have a higher chance of...

05th January 2011

Keep Age Spots At Bay With Natural Remedies - Try These 4 Treatments

It is not uncommon for people to turn to natural remedies as a treatment for age spots and many other skin problems. In fact, going natural is better than immediately trying chemical solutions. Cosmetic products incorporated with different harsh ingredien...

05th January 2011

Skin Care Guide For Sun-Damaged Skin

Have you spent a lot of hours under the sun and you are now suffering from the external effects of excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays? One of the immediate signs of sun damage is a darkening of skin tone. When you expose your skin to ultraviolet rays ...

05th January 2011

4 Tried And Tested Tips On How To Maintain Fair And Rosy Skin

For most of us, maintaining fair and rosy skin is virtually impossible. The summer season alone wreaks havoc to our dermis structure. The rays emitted by the sun can facilitate a darkening of skin tone. In addition to that, UV rays can also stress our col...

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