BBQ Cooking Techniques To Add Flavor

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With summer in full swing, individuals are spending additional time cooking in the open air on their grills. Nearly everyone enjoys the taste of food cooked over charcoal and when done efficiently can provide a treat for everyone. There exist a few tricks to keep in mind during your next foray into the arena of cooking over hot charcoal.

The standard rule of thumb is to utilize 30 charcoal briquettes for each pound of meat being grilled. In addition, if you have lots of people to serve and you would like to grill over an extended time span, do not put all of the food on the grill at the same time. Only cook things you need and when introducing more meat to the grill, you can also increase the amount of charcoal, without worrying about starter fluid this time.

After you throw a couple of expensive steaks on the barbecue grill, or even a few cheap burgers, you have probably experienced flare-ups that wrap flames from the grill around the meat. This could coat it with a crisp skin of burned meat. No matter how often you turn the meat or relocate it, the flames always manage to find their way back. This is due to the meat allowing an excessive amount of air into your grill.

The gap between your hot coals and the meat is filled with air, and as meat cooks, the fat it has and that is needed for flavor, will slowly but surely melt off and drip onto the hot coals. It may then burst into flames.

One way to reduce the flame is to position the grate with all the meat as close to the coals as possible. With the less air space, the fewer flare-ups will likely be seen, decreasing the chance of the food being burned beyond identification.

On the flip side, don't overturn your meat. A large number of grillers are of the notion that persistently turning the meat on the grill will somehow cook it more evenly and they'll turn the meat every couple of seconds, trying to cook equally. In reality, the opposite is correct. You can actually bruise the meat when it is handled too frequently. It's best to turn your meat only once or twice. Whether you're cooking burgers or steak, ensure you place the meat on the grill, cook it for around 5 minutes, then flip it to cook for an additional 5 minutes.

It's a good idea to spend time with your friends and family outdoors by the BBQ grill. You can not only enjoy terrific food but also good company. To be sure you're serving the most delectable food you can, you'll want to follow these barbecue cooking techniques. With a few easy tricks like repositioning your grates or decreasing the amount of flips you decide to do to the meat, you may get one of the best tastes possible.

Two Trees Products brings high quality barbecue products to the grilling marketplace. Our products include 100% mesquite lump charcoal, all natural self starting 100% Mesquite Lump Charcoal, Regular Charcoal Briquets, Wood Smoking Chips and mesquite and hickory wood chunks.

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