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Articles, tagged with "hot coals", page 1

19th September 2011

BBQ Cooking Techniques To Add Flavor

With summer in full swing, individuals are spending additional time cooking in the open air on their grills. Nearly everyone enjoys the taste of food cooked over charcoal and when done efficiently can provide a treat for everyone. There exist a few tricks...

23rd March 2011

The Best Barbecue Cooking Techniques And Tips

Barbecuing procedures With regards to barbecuing, many people basically stick the meat on the barbeque grill and wait for it to cook. This is whats called the ‘direct grilling’ method. And when if we’re nervous about offering undercooked meat i...

20th April 2010

Dutch Ovens And Fascinating Facts About Them

Dutch ovens and fascinating facts about them tend to reveal a very famous, and historical, kind of cook pot that's been well-known in America and parts of Europe for centuries. Made of cast iron and featuring thick walls, it comes with a top that fit tigh...

11th December 2009

Tony Robbins Seminars Success Leads To Tony Robbins UK FREE BOOK Giveaway

Tony Robbins has dedicated most of his time in the past to writing his best selling books to internationally successful programs like "The Edge", but what Tony Robbins enjoys most are his very popular ceasingly endless seminars.For more than 25 ...

11th December 2009

Anthony Robbins Seminars Success Leads To Anthony Robbins UK FREE BOOK Giveaway

Anthony Robbins has dedicated a lot of his time in the past to writing his best selling books and to internationally successful programs like "The Edge", but what Anthony Robbins enjoys most are the multitude of seminars that just never seem to end. Fo...

22nd October 2009

Anthony Robbins about Live: - He Just Gets Better & Better

I have been following Anthony Robbins for about 18 years or so now, with his books and in my time, cassette tapes. It was not until last year in May I decided to see him live in London to determine whether this peak performance coach was as good as his ta...

28th June 2009

2012 - Basic Tools You Need To Survive 2012

We are talking here about killing devices to hunt and to protect yourself. When the electricity and all current technologies are gone, people will need to use some primitive techniques to survive. KILLING DEVICES There are several killing devices that...

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