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Member Since: 16th March 2010
No of Articles: 35
About Me:


22nd March 2010

Taking Pictures of Babies and Young Children

Photographs of young children can bring pleasure to many people, not only their parents and close relatives. The important thing to remember is that young children tire easily. Patience will be needed to get the best out of what might be a very brief p...

22nd March 2010

Children - Ideal Subjects For Photographs

Children are ideal subjects for photographs, for many reasons. First, such pictures tell the story of their lives. From the moment they are born there is a visual record of their development which will not only be a pleasure to their parents and grandpare...

22nd March 2010

Taking a Shot of Children Playing

Children play naturally, so play gives good opportunities for natural pictures. Even in a favourite game children may lose interest in a few minutes, so quick work is needed to capture a good expression or gesture. When working indoors, in the interest...

22nd March 2010

Taking Shots of Older Children

Younger children can soon get bored and restless when being photographed, but older children can be awkward in front of the camera from the start - especially when in their early teens. It is often better to photograph older children in a group rather tha...

22nd March 2010

Taking a Shot of Older People

Taking pictures of older people can be very rewarding for the creative photographer. Often they will have aged in a way which reflects their working life. For instance, a person with an outdoor occupation is likely to have a tanned, lined face - unlike an...

22nd March 2010

The Meaning of Candid Shots

Candid photography is when people are photographed in a natural or imposed way and may be unaware of the camera. Being prepared is essential - carry a camera at all times and have it ready for use. Since the opportunity for shots may occur when the light ...

22nd March 2010

Full Length Portraits

Not all portraits of people need to be head and shoulders or full face. Sometimes the only way of achieving a good portrait is to photograph a person full length, and to include some of their environment. When choosing a viewpoint for full-length portr...

22nd March 2010

Portraits in the Studio

There are many advantages to taking portraits in a studio. For a start, the photographer has total control of the lighting, and the choice of backgrounds and props. Also, depending on the type of photograph, make-up and dress can be specified or chosen an...

22nd March 2010

Portraits - The Meaning of Props

Props are items introduced into photographs that can either add something to the composition or tell us more about the person featured, perhaps providing information about a job or a hobby. Used successfully, props should enhance the picture without overp...

22nd March 2010

The Meaning of Formal Portraits

Formal portraits do not mean that subjects have to sit or stand to attention so that they look stiff and uncomfortable. In the early days of photography when exposure times were measured in minutes people did have to sit very still to avoid blurring the p...

22nd March 2010

Taking Pictures of Model Make-Up

Taking spontaneous pictures of friends and relatives produces natural and pleasing results. The appeal may come from seeing them in an unexpected situation, pulling a face, or seeing something that makes their hair stand on end. But often when taking a sp...

18th March 2010

Taking Shots of Buildings at Night

Buildings seen at night can often be far more evocative of a cityscape than they appear to be in daylight hours. Some cities, such as New York, literally throb at night and are lit for the great part by garish neon light which looks strangely fitting. ...

18th March 2010

Building Exteriors & Building Interiors

Buildings Exteriors Sometimes it seems enough to simply stand in front of a great building, point the camera and press the shutter, especially if the building is so famous that there does not seem to be anything to add. In many cases this may be true, ...

18th March 2010

Shooting Buildings - General Composition

Buildings present the photographer with an inexhaustible supply of imagery. The most important part of photographing any building is the general composition. The weather can be perfect, the exposure correct and the time of day just right, but a badly-fram...

18th March 2010

The Difference a Filter Makes

Any accessory used while taking a photograph can enhance the final image; however, care must always be taken to ensure the images produced are effective. One of the least expensive and yet most important of accessories is a filter. Certain filters improve...