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Member Since: 16th March 2010
No of Articles: 35
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05th July 2010

Basic Digital Video Aspects In Youth Sports Photography

In the 1990s, additional digital formats came onto the editing scene. D3, a Panasonic® youth sports photography product, is a digital video format on a half-inch-wide tape, designed to compete in the digital domain as an economically feasible alternative...

26th March 2010

Digital Photography - Photocopying

One of the simplest yet most effective ways of producing prints from transparencies, photographic prints or 'video still' disk is a photocopying machine. Most large towns now have a photocopying centre with a variety of machines which will produce same-si...

26th March 2010

Digital Photography - Fisheye Lenses

Among all the lenses that are available the fisheye lens is low on most people's list of priorities. The uses of this lens are limited and it is rather expensive. Nevertheless, it can be highly effective in the right situation. It is sensible to hire a...

26th March 2010

How to Find Good Places to Take Pictures

There are many places where good pictures can be found, but it is easy to overlook them. Often they are camouflaged by their surroundings, or they need to be looked at from a different angle. Sometimes the chance of a picture appears suddenly, and if the ...

26th March 2010

How to Manipulate Polaroids

Instant photographs from Polaroid cameras have the obvious advantage over traditional media that the picture can be seen within seconds. But Polaroid film also lends itself to a wide variety of manipulations. Many of these need no more than the camera, th...

26th March 2010

Digital Photography - Joiner Pictures

Joiner pictures were made famous by the artist David Hockney. They consist of a cluster of images joined together by quite literally sticking them to a board. Almost any subject lends itself to this treatment. All that is needed is imagination and a good ...

26th March 2010

Digital Photography - Multiple Exposures

A camera with a facility for multiple exposures - that is, taking more than one picture on the same piece of film -allows unusual images and in the right hands can give stunning effects. When planning a multiple image shot it is important to remember t...

26th March 2010

The Video Still Camera

One of the newest innovations in photography is the video still camera. Unlike conventional cameras, the video still records an image on a small floppy disk, exactly like those used in personal computers. Each disk has the capacity to record up to 50 sepa...

22nd March 2010

The Going in Close Type of Pictures

Pictures of people do not all have to be head and shoulders or full length. There are many other areas of the body that lend themselves to being photographed. Some of these pictures can be evocative and sensual. Others can be character studies, such as sh...

22nd March 2010

Shooting People in the Home

Many people do not take pictures at home except on special occasions such as a birthday or Christmas. But there are many other times when opportunities for photographs present themselves, and often these can lead to excellent portraits. One advantage of t...

22nd March 2010

The Meaning of Outdoor Portraits

Bright, sunny days offer good opportunities for taking portraits outdoors. But they can cause problems too. Bright sunlight can create harsh shadows. It can also make people screw up their eyes and squint, which looks most unattractive. To get round this ...

22nd March 2010

Photographing People in Their Environment

Photographing people in their own environment can be very rewarding, especially when you are on holiday. Generally strangers are only too willing to be in your shots - particularly if they are in an area where tourists are commonplace. However, if you wan...

22nd March 2010

Taking Pictures in Poor Weather

Poor weather does not have to deter you from photographing people. Sometimes it can actually add to and animate a photograph. But before taking your camera out in pouring rain, remember that cameras should not get wet. A camera that gets thoroughly soaked...

22nd March 2010

Taking Shots in Holidays

More photographs are taken on holiday than at any other time. Obviously there is an incentive to get good shots of family or friends, not to mention new and interesting buildings and scenes. There are a few points to remember before setting off: take p...

22nd March 2010

Shooting Mother and Child Pictures

When photographing children it is often a good idea to include their mother. She is usually the closest person to the child and the best suited to allay its fears and put it at ease, and help it to adopt the best position. Use a photographer's eye to l...