Author Details

Kay Norman

Member Since: 28th April 2006
No of Articles: 4
About Me:


31st May 2011

The Use of Voip Phones in Businesses

The transmission of voice signals over internet lines is known as VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol. This technology makes it possible for users to make phone calls no matter where they are as long as they have access to the internet. You can use compu...

31st May 2011

The Benefits and Convenience of Audio Books Online

Audio books online have a plethora of benefits for the readers. It is only when you purchase an audio book online that you get to see why book lovers prefer audio books. Those who have already downloaded an audio book online know just how pleasurable and ...

11th April 2011

Top Reasons for Joining an Audio Book Club

This is a generation where books are not sold as paperbacks only. Books are sold in different forms, and these include ebooks and audio books. These are the new generation of books that have changed the way people experience or enjoy literature. There is ...

03rd February 2011

How to Choose VoIP Providers?

Switching from the conventional type of communicating - through public switched telephone network that is - to something that entails faster and more efficient communication like VoIP technology is one of the many ways in which businesses can stay ahead o...