Author Details


Member Since: 09th February 2011
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


15th March 2011

Zhu Zhu Pets - A Hottest Kids Toy

Copyright (c) 2011 Sandra Tiffany Zhu Zhu pets are something to see. The tiny creatures are motorized hamsters and frankly, I initially could not fully grasp why they are so well liked. It is lucky for the scene that I'm not involved in toy development...

03rd March 2011

Let The Kids Pick Their Shoes and Boots-Parents Just Pay

Copyright (c) 2011 Sandra Tiffany For many parents when they see the wide variety of shoes that are available for their children they will realize that it can be difficult finding the best ones available. What is considered "best" depends on the buyer....

03rd March 2011

Twinkle Toes Shoes Kids Love Them

Copyright (c) 2011 Sandra Tiffany Pre school girls all want to look alike whether it's their dress, jeans, shirts, coats and shoes or boots. In fact, pre teens want to fit in with the pack and they tend to shop for the same fashions as their friends. ...