Author Details

mikesil whitten

Member Since: 25th January 2011
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


05th April 2011

How To Get Paid To Take Pet Pictures

Just like other family members, pets are also an essential part of the family. No wonder people love to take so many pictures of their pets. The pets are not very supportive when they are being clicked. When you wish to photograph your pet, you should hav...

15th March 2011

Just Like Humans, Animals Have Personalities Too

In an effort to help a poodle fulfill its maternal instincts, a dog psychologist ended up prescribing a box turtle. One book he called understanding your dog was written because this psychologist really takes his work seriously. From this doctor who is no...

14th March 2011

Artists And Photorealism

A plane ride and an art piece. 1970 was when photorealism came to light and it is being brought back by the Kansas University Art Museum. Knowing the difference between pigment and celluloid will help you here. This is a style of painting that calls f...