Author Details


Member Since: 03rd November 2010
No of Articles: 4
About Me:


24th January 2011

SMS: The New trend

Gone are the days when talking to friends used to be sitting together over a cup of coffee and chit chatting for hours now the cup of coffee and sitting together has been replaced by a mobile phone and corporate jobs. SMS through mobile phones has rapidly...

22nd December 2010

Torpedo Gratis - The Free SMS in Brazil by Mobile Companies

SMS is short for Short Message Service, and is the service provided by mobile phone carriers that allows users to send text messages to other mobile phone users. SMS messaging or text messaging has exploded as the number one fastest growing communications...

30th November 2010

Claro: The biggest Mobile Phone Network In The Americas

Claro is the largest mobile phone network in the Americas. It is part of the Mexican telecom group Am?rica M?vil which is one of the four largest mobile phone network operators in the world, with more than 200 million customers. It serves clients inArgent...

16th November 2010

Future of SMS: Free services and the Whole Market

SMS has been the most successful non-voice service for mobile operators in the history of telecommunications and, as such, has been a key revenue generator. Every year stories of the demise of this 160-character service are thick in the air, and every yea...