Author Details

Fernandes Julia

Member Since: 23rd September 2010
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


22nd November 2010

The calling of a talented pet artist

Many a family pet will live forever on the mantel because of the special talent of this female artist. She certainly affirms the fact that any dog, pony, cat, or white rat's master will believe that his pet is the best in the world. The mantel will soon h...

06th October 2010

Dog Portrait Painter Also a Talented Dancer

What makes animal portrait painting different from human portraiture is that animals don't like to pose. Keeping the animal's attention from wavering is a total workout for an artist. One female artist from Wilmington specializes in this particular field....

28th September 2010

How a Painter Progressed

When she wanted to get her first dog, this female painter was eight. Within that same year the small Boston terrier died but it was able to make a lasting impression on the girl. It is today that her life is made more significant by noble pets. She is an ...