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Member Since: 09th June 2010
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30th June 2010

Seborrheic Keratosis Treatment Options

Seborrheic Keratosis are unattractive lesions which can be similar in appearance to warts. These lesions are benign and are noncancerous. They may look frightening and cause concern about skin cancer but there is no reason to be concerned. They can be rem...

21st June 2010

Keratosis Treatment. Removal of Seborrheic Keratosis by Surgery

Seborrheic Keratosis are very unattractive lesions which are similar in appearance to warts. These lesions are not caused by a bacterium such as warts are. They tend to run in the family and seem to be genetically connected to persons within the same fami...

15th June 2010

How To Avoid Having Age Spots Liver spots,Pigmentation.

Liver spot is a blemish found on the skin that is linked to aging and exposure to ultraviolet radiation coming from the sun. It is also described as senile freckles, lentigo senilis, and solar lentigo. It is more usually known as old age spot. In appearan...