Author Details


Member Since: 17th March 2010
No of Articles: 5
About Me:


05th May 2010

Enjoying those Captured Moments

When we talk of photography, we often think of shots taken inside the studios with different lightings and backgrounds. A typical photographer, we might say. Photography involves arts and skills, beyond artificial lights. One of the most popular su...

22nd April 2010

A shot from a budding photographer

I have been fascinated in the world of Photography. Thanks to the latest technology, Digital Photography is inexpensive. You would no longer be spending money for those films as you can easily reload your Digital cameras with memory cards and make a lot...

01st April 2010

I am Me- A weekly series about ordinary people who deals with their extraordinary abilities

A weekly series about people born like everyone else, living in an ordinary life. As they grew living a normal life, strange new things are happening in their lives. Soon, they realized that they have special abilities that other people do not posses. ...

01st April 2010

I am Me- A weekly series about ordinary people who deals with their extraordinary abilities

The smell of fresh pastry dough being rolled out swirls of frosted sugar, the heady aroma of baking apples, the spicy hints of cinnamon and nutmeg wafting from the oven…American baking is a foodie's delight with its wide variety of tastes, textures, and...

26th March 2010

Begin the Journey beyond imagination and unleash the hidden artist in you

When we talk of photos, first thing that comes into our mind is a click of camera. Have you ever thought why they took that picture? Or maybe what comes into the mind of the photographer to take such kind of pictures. We took pictures of simple objects...