Author Details


Member Since: 06th August 2009
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


07th September 2009

Buy Organic, Be Organic and Save the Earth!

Even if you have gone hi-tech and brand conscious during these years and left behind those hippie stuffs long ago, it is evident that all-natural and organic products still values a lot for people and a sure ticked item in the shopping list. Back in 2003,...

16th August 2009

Natural and Organic Products

"Was Cleopatra beautiful?" this might be the most controversial question on any historically popular woman, but every historian affirms that Queen Cleopatra gave a lot of attention to the care of her body. Queen Cleopatra was believed to be have used natu...

16th August 2009

100% Cruelty Free Organic Dog Shampoo – Dog Lovers’ Dream Product!

It's an obvious fact that most of the nature lover do loves pets, too. The exact reason behind this statement is very difficult to mark out, but they open a new field of experiment both commercial and academic purposes. Let's not get too much exaggerated ...