Author Details

James Smith

Member Since: 22nd July 2009
No of Articles: 2
About Me: Specializes in medical coding and reimbursement for urology and general surgery, as well as billing and collections policies and strategies for physician practices.


13th May 2011

Tips to Stay Away from Initial Infertility Denials

Here are some tips to help you maximize your ethical reimbursement for initial infertility: You may be persuaded to code for an initial infertility visit as an office visit, but this may not be the case. Often, a woman's primary-care physician will r...

12th January 2011

Congress Boosts Conversion Factor through December 31

Even though the government appeared poised to take a big share out of your next Medicare Part B payments, you've now a few days before you need to worry about losing payments. That's because the 23 percent Medicare Physician Fee Schedule conversion facto...