James Smith's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Tips to Stay Away from Initial Infertility Denials Here are some tips to help you maximize your ethical reimbursement for initial infertility: You may be persuaded to code for an initial infertility visit as an office visit, but this may not be the case. Often, a woman's primary-care physician will r... http://www.articleheaven.net/tips-to-stay-away-from-initial-infertility-denials-2227687.html 13th May 2011 Congress Boosts Conversion Factor through December 31 Even though the government appeared poised to take a big share out of your next Medicare Part B payments, you've now a few days before you need to worry about losing payments. That's because the 23 percent Medicare Physician Fee Schedule conversion facto... http://www.articleheaven.net/congress-boosts-conversion-factor-through-december-31-1947971.html 12th January 2011