Author Details

Amy Dyslex

Member Since: 11th June 2009
No of Articles: 4
About Me:


10th February 2012

3 Basic Newsletter Formats with Samples to Choose From

“A newsletter is a publication that is distributed over regular intervals of time to a group of defined individuals. It is an effective communication tool utilized mostly to teach, inform, announce events, and promote new products and services all togethe...

07th February 2012

How To Write An Introduction Of Newsletter?

So, today your search for a walk through on writing a newsletter introduction has led you here. But before we get there, you should be clear about something; there are no such things as cheats on writing a newsletter introduction, and there most certainly...

18th November 2011

Why did Charles Dickens Write “A Tale of Two Cities”?

“A Tale of Two Cities”: Summary, Synopsis & Symbolism The French Revolution changed the political landscape of the state’s aristocracy as the monarchy of France collapsed and led to the eventual execution of King Louis XVI. Dickens’ ‘A Tale of Two Citi...

07th September 2011

Which Books Did Written By J.K. Rowling?

Writing Life of J.K. Rowling The writing life of J.K. Rowling began in 1995 when Rowling finished her first manuscript for Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone on an old manual typewriter. The book was then passed on to12 publishing houses and got ...