Author Details


Member Since: 30th May 2009
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


16th July 2009

Why Whites Will Lose Race War

No, I don't mean they'll be wiped out or subjugated by Black people or anything. Black people, for the most part, are still waiting on the Jesus that the White slavers gave them half a millennium ago. Trust me, that feat of genius produced the highest-pa...

01st July 2009

Every Country Should Have WMs

Every country in the world should have its own nuclear weapons. That way there would be far less of an imbalance in the way the world's resources are distributed. And there would also be far less injustice overall. I listen, mostly in silent incredul...

01st July 2009

Should Blacks Be Paid Reparations

During the recent presidential campaign a rumor was started and widely circulated that Barack Obama, if elected, would begin a process to pay reparations to Black descendents of former slaves. Such rhetoric betrays a serious lack of understanding of ho...