Author Details

Rick Foreman

Member Since: 14th May 2009
No of Articles: 8
About Me:


16th September 2009

Skin Care Basics to Keep Looking Young

Our skin, aside from being the largest organ of our body which protects against various infections and illnesses, is also the most common indicator of aging. Since the skin plays an important role in our overall well being, it is essential that we...

11th September 2009

A few Things to Know About Aquarium Care

Many people who want a pet may choose to overlook a dog or a cat because they think of all the food and maintenance which goes into taking care of our mammalian friends. They often turn to buying an aquarium and a few fish as an alternative. Little di...

10th September 2009

3 Tips on Starting Your Next Landscape Project

Landscaping is not the kind of project most of us normally look forward to doing. It always turns into a much bigger task than what we thought it would be, consuming much more of our time and energy than we could have predicted. But before you hire ...

07th September 2009

There Are Many Ways To Be A Vegetarian

When people think of vegetarians what usually comes to their minds is one homogeneous group that just does not eat meat. But that definition is too broad and general too understand the truth of what is a vegetarian. There ...

11th August 2009

Dress Well and Spend Less

So you are not into the t-shirt, sweat pants and flip-flop fashion scene? Appearances are not the most important measure of a person but it is still nice to make a good impression on others. How a person dresses in public is a refectio...

02nd August 2009

Lighten the Load Before You Hit the Road Lighten the Load Before You Hit the Road Lighten the

Many people have a tendency to over pack when preparing to travel, but that is defeating the whole purpose of taking a trip. People take vacations and travel to break their routine and enjoy the freedom of getting away from it all. So if getting away ...

20th July 2009

Consider Wind Generated Electricity for Your Home

People have been using wind turbine power for centuries. In the past, wind turbines were used to carry and distribute water for irrigation or to mill grain. Nowadays, wind turbines are used to generate electricity. Due to ongoing progress in wind t...

18th July 2009

Make a Blow-out Party for a Budget Price

No matter what your budget may be, it makes sense to optimize your expenses when setting up a party. Even if the costs of some items that you want for your party might be expensive you should learn how to get the most for your money and set a rea...