Are You Feeling the effects of Hoilday Overindulgence?

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The holidays are a wonderful time, spent with family and friends, whether at home or on vacation. They are unfortunately also a time of over-eating, over-drinking and under-exercising. Family meals, alcohol and eggnog, Christmas pudding and pies and all the other goodies we indulge in can wreak havoc with our bodies. Add winter into the equation, with heavy, stodgy food and staying indoors to stay warm, and you can see why so many of us pick up weight over the holiday period.

We tend to abuse our bodies during the holiday season, overdoing it on rich, fatty foods and a little too much alcohol. This overloads our bodies, especially our detoxifying organs, the liver and kidneys, often leading to weight gain and digestive problems and. If your eating habits weren't all that great to begin with, then the holidays may well have been the straw that will break the camel's back!

If you are feeling bloated, constipated, uncomfortable and overweight, a digestive diet may be what you need. Developed specifically to address digestive problems, one such diet, 'Great Taste No Pain' advises you on what to eat to ease digestive pain and problems. If you suffer from acid reflux, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Colitis, heartburn and other digestive disorders, they can be relieved - with the right diet.

'Great Taste No Pain' is a food-combining diet, which basically groups all food into three groups. How you combine each of the three groups affects how your digestive system operates. It is based on the
premise that certain foods, when eaten together, can either ease digestion or make it more difficult.

Different types of food trigger the release of different digestive enzymes - some acidic and some alkaline. If both acidic and alkaline enzymes are released at the same time, they neutralize each other, slowing down digestion and increasing pain. By combining the right foods, you ensure that only acidic OR alkaline enzymes are released at one time, making digestion a more efficient, pain-free process. You can eat almost anything - just in the right combination.

At the same time, this type of diet advises you to balance your blood ph level, as too much acidity in the blood can lead to weight gain and discomfort as well. Food that we eat is metabolised and leaves a residue, or 'ash' - either acid or alkaline. Ideally, we should eat more of the foods that leave an alkaline ash. Your blood should have a ph level of 7.35, slightly alkaline, for optimum health. A diet such as 'The Acid-Alkaline Diet' can help you achieve this, teaching you what food to eat to attain the balance, and how to eat to maintain it. Once you have achieved a balanced ph level, your health will improve, and any extra weight you were carrying will be shed through your body naturally operating more efficiently.

A sluggish or inefficient digestive system can contribute to weight gain, so making the process more efficient will help with weight loss, as a more efficient system will burn fat more efficiently too.
'Great Taste No Pain' was developed by a person who was diagnosed with IBS, and refused to accept that she would have to take prescription drugs for the rest of her life just to find a little relief, if she was lucky. For pain-free digestion, an efficient system and easy weight loss and maintenance, consider a digestive diet. Get over the holiday indulgence, and get ready for a new year of efficient digestion and weight maintenance.

Visit GetDown2WeightLoss for more information on these and other weight loss programs that can help you shed those pounds gained during the holidays. Download a free ebook with great weight loss tips, and get back on track today!

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