America in a Hole? Stop Digging!

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Copyright (c) 2010 Scott F Paradis

The first thing to do when in a hole is stop digging. Well we've created quite a hole for ourselves. Millions out of work, entire industries failing, housing values crashing, state budgets crumbling and of course bonuses for the bankers.

The solution to this mess is not to be found by throwing more money at the problem - as Washington is keen to do. Rather the people must set this nation on a new course by taking bold and decisive action.

A real economy is built on three component elements: physical resources, labor and ideas. Market integrity is established and maintained through trust. While we have plenty of the component ingredients, we have lost the integrity of the market. Establishing trust must be priority one.

In a system of integrity economic exchange is a means of adding value, not seeking advantage. Businesses are built to solve problems. Markets are a means to satisfy wants and needs. Making money is a measure of the worth offered a market. Through hubris and greed we have allowed finance to supplant the elements of a real economy and create a condition fueling wanton speculation, unbridled consumption and facilitating an unprecedented concentration of wealth. Now what?

First we must, "Find Our Center". We are a nation of over 300 million people - people with dreams, energy, time and talent. We are blessed with limitless bounty. We are responsible for this mess, so we must fix it. The "center" to find is not at the alter of finance. Life is not meant to be an orgy of consumption. Rather, our purpose is to connect with others - to give and grow. We must return values and character to the vernacular of commerce.

In the calamity of this wreck lies an opportunity to rediscover genuine meaning. The crisis in the markets is a crisis of confidence. Confidence has been shaken because we have come to realize our financial system is a house of cards. Reconnecting with our purpose for being will cause the financial storm to subside. It is time to move from the pursuit of wealth and the passion of consumption to build on a lasting foundation - a foundation of integrity and collective self-interest.

Second, "Don't Look To Washington". Though we have generously ceded almost absolute power to our government the price in freedom has been high. Instead of taking care of the environment, we have the Environmental Protection Agency. For aging parents we have the Social Security Administration, Medicare, and Medicaid. To manage health and learning we have the departments of Health and Human Services and Education. We don't need to be responsible for anything, however, neither are we free.

Those who believe Washington can solve anything, have succumb to the grandest delusion. Government has come to mean - satisfy the moneyed special interests; mollify the populace; ensure the status quo; and alleviate the squeaky wheels.

Instead of taking a pain killer, suffer we must. Though this is no longer a government of the people, by the people, for the people - it ought to be. While Washington was complicit in this wreck and can surely contribute to the clean up, fixing the dysfunctional system rests with us.

Third, "Stop the Hubris of Imperial Overreach". Unfortunately fear is the greatest of motivators. We reacted to fear by launching a world war. We celebrated our superiority by following the well-worn path to desolation. We have attempted to extend our culture, and economic dominion around the globe to secure for the elites ever more power. In the inebriation of global supremacy we believed and acted on an assumption of divine providence to benefit a few. We must reel in imperial overreach.

We consume a disproportionate amount of the world's resources and boldly act to ensure our privileged standing. We must draw back and refocus time, talent and energy on the values that allowed our global ascendancy. The United States has been a beacon to the world not because of wealth or military power. The United States has been a beacon of hope for people who yearn to be free and are willing to take responsibility for their lives. To shine again we must rekindle the flames of self-determination - always with integrity.

Finally, "Raze and Rebuild the American Economy". We have grown finance to be the core component of the American economy at our own peril. We must relegate finance to its proper supporting role and begin again to build value through the proper, creative and innovative, management of resources and labor.

Rather than sit idly, we must be proactive. We must redefine the financial sector - reining in the excesses of financial leverage and debt ravaging the economy. We must revolutionize energy production and consumption replacing fossil fuels with clean renewable energy quickly. We must clean up our environment (air, land and water) completely to contribute to the health and vitality of our populace. We must improve our health and healthcare delivery systems now. We cannot allow ourselves to be railroaded into believing profit is the proper motive determining health. We must reinvent our education system. Great dreams require great vision, insight, creativity and innovation. We can no longer tolerate a failing education system. There is plenty to do, so let's stop digging and get to it!


Scott F. Paradis, author of "Promise and Potential: A Life of Wisdom, Courage, Strength and Will" publishes "Insights" and a free weekly ezine, "Money, Power and the Path to True Prosperity." Subscribe now at

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