A Relation Not Born Out Of Blood

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Friend... what is the true meaning of it? How did this relation came into existence? Well these are some of the questions which we can feel but cannot express in words. People have tried to give their views and their feelings in different ways... the feeling which we cherish the most falls short of words. Truly, the emotion of being friends or having friends cannot be defined or explained in words. It is not so surprising... a relation which need no words... not justification and no clarification is called Friendship in my view.

As Ralph Waldo Emerson has rightly said, "A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere." How true the concept is... we can lie to anyone or hide our real face... but our friend will be the only person with whom we can be true and honest... confronting and revealing what we really are.

This is a beautiful piece written for the most beloved person on this earth after our family. How surprising it seems that a person... whom we don't know... meet for the first time...become friends with... and this relationship could actually tend to last for a lifetime... there is no genetic or blood relation ... still how can a person be so dear and near... that you always tend to wish good for him/her.

Wishing you a rainbow
For sunlight after showers--
Miles and miles of Irish smiles
For golden happy hours--
Shamrocks at your doorway
For luck and laughter too,
And a host of friends that never ends
Each day your whole life through!

It has been rightly said that "Friends are Forever"... no matter how true it is. Any person who has been lucky enough to experience this is surely considered to be the happiest person on this earth. As Thomas Jefferson rightly said "But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine." Hence, this relationship should not only be lived but live up to it.

A mutual understanding and compassion. It is considered to be the most personal and open relationship which develops an intense feeling for each other... with emotion. A friend should be the one who will not only cry with me but also wipe my tears. A friend should be the one who will not only smile but laugh with tears in his/her eyes.

Such emotion with so much of intensity can be seen in the 3 Idiots... a story of three friends...a story of friendship... connected but with emotion and love... despite of the differences... in nature... tradition... the friendship remains intact... even after years of departion from each other.

Such should be friendship.

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Occupation: Writer
Naresh R is a passionate writer and loves to try new ways of expressing nature and other realities through words. In all her articles she has made an attempt to present something which is new and worth admiring.

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