A Quick Dinner Recipe Frees You From the Kitchen Faster

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Stir Fry is the best way to create your own quick dinner recipe using ingredients you have on hand. It’s also a great way to create healthy meals using fresh ingredients and free yourself from the kitchen faster than following a written recipe would ever allow.

In the video that accompanies this recipe, you’re able to look directly over my shoulder as I create Chicken Stir Fry Over Quinoa, using just two pans, one for the quinoa and another to steam and then stir fry the ingredients

Here’s what you’ll need to follow along:
(I don’t believe in measurements, cook for your taste and number of guests)

1 cup chicken broth or water for steaming
carrots, bias sliced
Sesame oil
Onions, sliced for stir fry
Chicken breast, cut into strips
Shitake mushrooms, sliced
Soy sauce
Fresh or dried ginger
White pepper

2 cups chicken broth
1 cup quinoa or rice or pasta or beans

My ManPans wok has a steamer insert, so with some chicken broth simmering below, I can add carrots and asparagus, to par-cook them in a moist fashion and later return to the stir fry.

Stir Fry uses direct, conductive heat, and simply stir-frying the carrots and asparagus won’t cook them all the way through before they burn on the outside. So, to assure everything is cooked to the same doneness, the hardest items are cooked under steam first.

Steaming uses indirect, convective heat and is the best way to treat vegetables. Obviously, cooking in a moist fashion will not dry items out like the direct heat of stir fry. When the items are softened, but still firm to the touch or bite, I can remove the steamer insert and prepare the pan for direct heat.

Asian Stir Fry is pretty much the same as French sauté, it begins with heating the pan and adding some kind of fat. In this case, the flavor profile calls for sesame oil. Whether stir fry or sauté, this direct heat method of cooking is the best way to creating a quick dinner recipe for yourself.

After adding a tablespoon or two of sesame oil to the hot pan, tilt the pan to cover the bottom with oil, and now the ingredients are up to you. Your quick dinner recipe hasn’t been written yet. You can choose any combination of fresh or canned ingredients you have on hand. I’ll use onions that have been stir-fry sliced and continue to cook until they begin to sweat, or get translucent.

To the sesame/onion flavor in the pan, I’ll add my chicken breast, sliced in the same fashion as the onions to keep the eye appeal, and sauté them in the wok as well.

Sliced Shitake mushrooms are much more delicate than onions, chicken, asparagus and carrots, so they can be added directly to the stir fry to add their flavor. They don’t need to be par-cooked.

Now I can add the previously steamed asparagus and carrots because they are already cooked and just need to be warmed and combined with the rest of the dish.

A little bit of soy sauce to deglaze the pan and add some moisture. Dried ginger goes with the Asian stir fry flavor profile, and some white pepper for contrast on the palate

Now I want to switch from the direct source, conductive heat coming from the bottom of the pan, to moist convective heat circulating within the pan by putting the lid on for a few minutes to soy-sauce steam the rest of the items.

Quinoa can be cooked like pasta or like rice. This quick dinner recipe could also be served over either of those two. But a simple simmer of 2 cups liquid to 1 cup quinoa in a covered pan will give consistent results. I always soak the quinoa for 1 hour in water prior to cooking to remove a bitter flavor that quinoa can give.

Plating is simple, a portion of quinoa or rice or noodles or beans, and a portion of the chicken stir fry with asparagus and carrots.

Some black sesame seeds for garnish and this quick dinner recipe is complete in less than 20 minutes from beginning to end. If I were to publish this exact same Chicken Stir Fry Over Quinoa in a cookbook, it would probably take twice as long to prepare it, just for having to follow the directions.

Create your own recipes and you’ll enjoy the kitchen more plus eat better, healthier meals in less time. Perhaps you don’t need freedom from cooking. What if the time you spent in preparing meals was fun because everything was consistently great? Stir Fry is a great method to accomplish this.

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I am thrilled to be an E-zine Expert Author and have a number of articles published on a variety of cooking topics (and write new ones all the time!) Page down to see the entire list and click the ones that are helpful to you.

Before I became Chef Todd Mohr, I was Todd Mohr - a guy who liked to cook. A lot of people, including me, even thought I was a pretty good cook. For starters, I had my five meals, well, recipes, I suppose, that I could make well. Being a creative person, I also used some of the techniques from my tried and true \"recipes\" to experiment a bit with new dishes. Some were good and some not so good, and I usually never knew what the difference was.

Through a series of events, I decided to change careers in 1996 and pursue my passion for cooking, so I enrolled in Baltimore International Culinary College. 18 months later, I emerged: Chef Todd Mohr.

The greatest thing I learned in culinary school was the \"how\" and the \"why\" that had been missing from my cooking all those years. My recipes only gave me the \"what\" - which left so much out! The greatest thing I gained in the years after culinary school, was the practical experience from working in kitchens and experimenting at home. Being observant, I learned even more \"hows\" and \"whys\" in addition to \"whats\" along my culinary journey. This experience and experimentation, more than anything else, is what turned Todd Mohr into Chef Todd Mohr.

My experience includes kitchen experience - all the way up to Executive Chef, as well as college teaching experience, starting and operating a successful catering company and then finally, the culmination of all of my passion: opening The Cooking School in Cary NC in 2007.

From The Cooking School, came \"Cooking Coarse\", my daily video blog that quickly gained a loyal You Tube following due to the uniqueness of the instruction offered. It was through feedback received from \"Cooking Coarse\" viewers that I decided to launch WebCookingClasses.com and provide this information to the world.

When I started getting emails that my videos had changed people\'s lives, I knew I was on to something and that was when WebCookingClasses.com was born.

This is my passion - I am excited to share it with you!

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