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The holidays are the time of year most notorious for weight gain. It's not difficult to see why—piles of candy toward the end of October are followed by the year's largest feast in November and a trail of rich holiday delicacies lead to another large dinner at the end of the year. Everywhere in-between are festive snacks, candies, and delights to keep us feeding on holiday cheer.

Three months of feasting paired with cold weather and an equally as traditional abstinence from exercise means it's not unusual for most of us to pack on the holiday pounds. Although those New Year's weight loss resolutions are made with the best of intentions, very few Americans will see them through. So how do you fight the winter waistline? By making healthier choices and making small changes to your holiday habits. In this article, we'll present five suggestions for you to make this year's holidays a little bit easier on your body without taking away the spirit of the season.

Snack Smart Before Meals

Eating small amounts of the right foods before a meal can prevent you from eating large amounts of less healthier fare when mealtime comes around. Choose a high-protein option like cottage cheese or a small serving of fruits or vegetables about thirty minutes before mealtime. It takes nearly that long for your stomach to signal to your brain how full it is and how much more it can handle.

Choose Smaller Portions
Being healthy for the holidays doesn't mean you can't enjoy all of the traditional flavors you know and love. Simply enjoy them in smaller portions. Instead of loading your plate to capacity, choose a meat and two sides and eat them slowly before going back for more. Take a few minutes to allow your body to rest and always err on the side of fullness if you're not sure if you're finished. There will likely be plenty of leftovers, so you can enjoy other holiday delicacies at another meal.

Leave the Table
When you and your guests have finished eating, be the first to take the conversation to the next room. If you remain at the table, you're more likely to continue to snack at what's in front of you while socializing. Offer warm cider, water, or coffee to help stomachs settle; or if you're feeling adventurous, invite your guests to bundle up for a brisk post-meal walk around your neighborhood. Moving around will aid in digestion and discourage unhealthy after-dinner naps.

Offer Healthy Alternatives
If you're the host of a meal this year, try offering one or two dishes of a healthier persuasion. But if your meal is too traditional to adjust, simply try cutting back on the more notorious ingredients. Avoid hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils and cut out trans-fats wherever possible. Try using skim milk or plain applesauce to replace fats while baking and avoid salty condiments like soy sauce and ketchup.

Think Realistically
Don't try and change all of your holiday habits at once. Limiting your intake of sweet holiday treats too strictly may simply cause you to overeat as a result. The holidays are about coming together to enjoy good food and rich family time that just doesn't happen at any other time of year and trying to deviate too radically from your family traditions may leave you or your guests feeling alienated. Try one or two small steps this year and only introduce a few healthier options into your holiday meal.

Whatever route you decide to take toward a healthier holiday, be sure to keep it a safe and happy one! If you'd like more tips on how to enjoy your holiday season, Check ‘n Go can help. A leader in the payday loan industry, Check ‘n Go offers hundreds of pages of financially savvy tips and advice in the planning section of Checkngo.com. Take a look and you'll surely find many more ways to brighten up your holiday season while staying within your budget.

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